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Friday, March 14, 2025

QPCC keeps Tier II champ Harlem Strikers winless


Sport Desk
44 days ago
Trinity College East captain Khaleem Prince, right,  tries to get the better of San Juan North Adam Francis during the SSFL Premiership match at the Trinity College East ground on September 21, 2024 in Trincity. Prince scored his School’s lone item in their 2-1 loss to Speyside Secondary, yesterday. (Photo by Ramsey Prentice/DPP)

Trinity College East captain Khaleem Prince, right, tries to get the better of San Juan North Adam Francis during the SSFL Premiership match at the Trinity College East ground on September 21, 2024 in Trincity. Prince scored his School’s lone item in their 2-1 loss to Speyside Secondary, yesterday. (Photo by Ramsey Prentice/DPP)


Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League strik­er Khaleem Prince of Trin­i­ty Col­lege East scored a pair of goals to lead un­beat­en Queen’s Park Crick­et Club to a 3-0 de­feat of de­fend­ing cham­pi­on Harlem Strik­ers in their Group One meet­ing in Round Two of the T&T Pre­mier Foot­ball League Tier II on Sat­ur­day (Jan­u­ary 25).

The Parkites took the lead through Wis­ton Guer­rann in the 26th minute, which they took in­to the in­ter­val be­fore Prince added a quick-fire dou­ble in the 64th and 69th min­utes for his third and fourth goals of the sea­son to ce­ment the win.

With the win, their sec­ond from as many match­es, the Parkites im­proved to a max­i­mum of six points at the top of the 11-club stand­ings, the same as the Uni­ver­si­ty of T&T (UTT) and Mal­abar Young Stars.

How­ev­er, UTT is on top via a su­pe­ri­or goal dif­fer­ence af­ter a nar­row 1-0 win over RSSR FC, while Mal­abar Young Stars got a de­ci­sive item from Ger­ald Mel­oney in the 80th minute to se­cure a 3-2 win over Sidey’s FC.

Jorel Grant had giv­en Young Stars the lead in the 13th minute, but a minute in­to time added on at the end of the first half, Moses Bernard got Sidey’s FC lev­el.

Six min­utes af­ter the re­sump­tion, Young Stars re­claimed the lead, but it last­ed un­til the 69th, with Jar­lon Top­ping get­ting Sidey’s lev­el again, on­ly for Mel­oney to get the de­cider ten min­utes from the fi­nal whis­tle.

In Group Two, De­fence Force is the lone team with a 100 per­cent win­ning record af­ter two match­es thanks to a 2-1 de­feat of Cen­tral Soc­cer World in Ch­aguara­mas on Sun­day.

The Army/Coast Guard com­bi­na­tion went ahead through an own goal from CSW’s Shaquille Brit­to in the 38th minute to lead 1-0 at the break.

But ten min­utes in­to the sec­ond half, Si­mon Joseph got the vis­i­tors on lev­el terms, on­ly for Dy­lon King to fire home the win­ner for the host from the penal­ty spot in the 71st minute.


Group One


Carn­bee/Mt Pleas­ant 3 (Keauno Brath­waite 36th, Nave Roach 64th, Jonathan Mark 83rd) vs Bethel Unit­ed 1 (Mar­cus Ash­ton 85th)


QPCC SC 3 (Khaleem Prince 64th, 69th, Win­ston Gur­errann 26th) vs Harlem Strik­ers 0

Prison Ser­vice Ig­nite 4 (Ny­ron Dy­er 11th, Kendo Matthias 53rd, Josi­ah Joseph 69th, Joel Smith 84th) vs Mis­cel­lanaeous Laven­tille Utd 2 (Clint Ray­mond 62nd, Jerome Wal­ters 87th)

UTT FC 1 (Trevon Au­gus­tine 84th) vs RSSR 0

Mal­abar Young Stars 3 (Jorel Grant 13th, Je­re­mi­ah Williams 51st, Ger­ald Mel­oney 80th) vs Sidey’s SC 2 (Moses Bernard 45+1, Jar­lon Top­pin 69th)

Group Two


Club San­do FC 1 (Omari Ash­er 19th) vs Guaya Unit­ed 1 (Ronal­do Mc In­tosh 44th)

AIA Ea­gles 1 (Ke­muel Rivers 77th pen) vs MIC Matu­ra Re-Unit­ed 1 (Ra­heem Hen­ry 85th)

De­fence Force FC 2 (Shaquille Brit­to 38th o.g, Dy­lon King 71st) vs Cen­tral Soc­cer World 1 (Si­mon Joseph 55th)

Pe­tit Val­ley/Diego Mar­tin Utd 2 (Ruben Rouse 21st, Joshua Miller 55th pen) vs San Fer­nan­do Gi­ants 2 (Mar­lon Phillip 13th, Arki­do Joseph 39th)

Union Hall FC 3 (Tyrel Em­manuel 39th, Ky­ron Williams 86th, Kerville Je­re­mi­ah 90th)

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