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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Richardson hails ‘awesome’ captain Powell, says Scorpions ‘built to win


Sports Desk
819 days ago
Jamaica Scorpians Rovman Powell.

Jamaica Scorpians Rovman Powell.

ST JOHN’S, An­tigua – Ja­maica Scor­pi­ons head coach An­drew Richard­son has de­scribed team cap­tain Rov­man Pow­ell as an “awe­some” leader, and be­lieves his per­for­mance in the re­cent­ly staged Su­per50 Cup was ev­i­dence of the per­son­al in­vest­ment in his de­vel­op­ment.

Pow­ell im­pressed both with his form and his cap­tain­cy as Scor­pi­ons bounced back from a shaky start to the tour­na­ment to beat de­fend­ing cham­pi­ons and favourites Trinidad and To­ba­go Red Force in last Sat­ur­day’s fi­nal, and lift their first re­gion­al one-day ti­tle in 11 years.

He led his side’s bat­ting with 346 runs at an av­er­age of 69 with one hun­dred – a bril­liant un­beat­en 105 in the se­mi-fi­nal which spear­head­ed a tour­na­ment-high run chase of 318 to stun Guyana Harpy Ea­gles.

“[He’s] awe­some­ness, [he’s] awe­some­ness,” Richard­son said.

“Rovy (Pow­ell), the way he op­er­ates you can tell he wants to take his game to the next lev­el. The way he mar­shalls the troops on the field was awe­some to see.

“Every time he bat­ted, he bat­ted with a pur­pose. I cer­tain­ly know – es­pe­cial­ly [in the fi­nal] – he want­ed to be there at the end but un­for­tu­nate­ly it didn’t go ac­cord­ing to plan.”

He con­tin­ued: “He is one of the crick­eters that I can tell you has per­son­al­ly in­vest­ed in his game and his im­prove­ment, and this is just fruits of his labour.”

The 29-year-old, West In­dies’ Twen­ty20 vice-cap­tain at the re­cent World Cup in Aus­tralia, al­so tast­ed suc­cess two months ago when he over­saw Ja­maica Tallawahs’ cap­ture of the Caribbean Pre­mier League.

Pow­ell, who made his in­ter­na­tion­al de­but six years ago, has played 45 One-Day In­ter­na­tion­als and 55 T20 In­ter­na­tion­als.

He was one of sev­er­al play­ers with in­ter­na­tion­al ex­pe­ri­ence in the suc­cess­ful Scor­pi­ons side, cam­paign­ing along­side cur­rent Windies stars Shel­don Cot­trell, Bran­don King and Odean Smith, and for­mer play­ers like Chad­wick Wal­ton and An­dre Mc­Carthy.

And Richard­son be­lieves the ex­pe­ri­ence in the unit meant Scor­pi­ons were “built to win”, de­spite the stum­bles ear­ly in the tour­na­ment when they lost two of their first three match­es – in­clud­ing one to min­nows West In­dies Acad­e­my.

“We had some colour­ful words to get the guys mo­ti­vat­ed again [fol­low­ing that de­feat],” Richard­son said.

“From the in­cep­tion, we said that this team was built to win. This team has got a lot of ex­pe­ri­ence and I thank the se­lec­tors for back­ing us to go with the ex­pe­ri­enced play­ers.

“We had some bumps in the road. We didn’t start out the com­pe­ti­tion chas­ing well so we had to re­vis­it our plans and then we start­ed bat­ting first, the bat­ters start­ed get­ting con­fi­dence and I al­ways be­lieve in this com­pe­ti­tion – and in re­gion­al crick­et – the team that bats con­sis­tent­ly well will do well.”

Richard­son, who played the bulk of his 68 first class match­es for his na­tive Ja­maica, al­so hailed the Scor­pi­ons bowl­ing at­tack led by pac­ers Smith and Nichol­son Gor­don (15 wick­ets apiece) and 35-year-old left-arm spin­ner Den­nis Bul­li (14).

“The bowl­ing has been con­sis­tent for Ja­maica for years and it was true to form in this com­pe­ti­tion,” he point­ed out.

“It was good to see guys like Bul­li putting their hands up. Nichol­son Gor­don has been get­ting wick­ets right through in all for­mats and it was good to see a col­lec­tive bowl­ing unit backed up by some sen­si­ble bat­ting, es­pe­cial­ly the game in the se­mi-fi­nals.

“That was a big one for us, that one gave us the re­al con­fi­dence boost that we need­ed.”

He added: “We haven’t won a re­gion­al tro­phy in quite a lit­tle while. This is a very good feel­ing.”


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