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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Robinson wins Maritime 10th anniversary kayak race


Sport Desk
665 days ago

Nicholas Robin­son emerged the grand prize win­ner of the Mar­itime 10th an­niver­sary Kayak Race host­ed by the Trinidad Kayak Club (TKC) in con­junc­tion with the T&T Ca­noe­ing & Row­ing Fed­er­a­tion (TTCRF)  in Williams Bay, Ch­aguara­mas on May 6.

Robin­son is one of sev­er­al elite ath­letes who will be rep­re­sent­ing T&T at the Cen­tral Amer­i­can and Caribbean (CAC) Games next month and the Pan Am Games, lat­er this year.

In sec­ond place, was Stan­ley Brook­er from Bar­ba­dos, the pre­vi­ous cham­pi­on. In third place was Robin­son's broth­er Matthew, who will al­so be at­tend­ing the CAC Games.

Three prac­tice races were held with­in a five-week pe­ri­od lead­ing up to the main event.

An­nu­al­ly, un­til COVID-19 hit, the races were held on the Or­toire Riv­er in Ma­yaro, but post-pan­dem­ic, with the un­pre­dictable weath­er and the tem­po­rary Man­zanil­la Road, the TKC was forced to run the races in Ch­aguara­mas.

There were two main races, the short course, 6K, and the long course, 12K, the lat­ter for the ath­letes and sea­soned pad­dlers. How­ev­er, this year, one 18-year-old, Justin Chin Lee, took up the long course chal­lenge al­though he had on­ly been train­ing for a few months. He placed fifth among the sev­en pad­dlers.

The short course saw 40 com­peti­tors and it con­sist­ed of three laps (each lap was 2K) with­in Williams Bay and the long course in­clud­ed a pad­dle out to the Five Is­lands and three laps with­in the bay.

In the short course race, the win­ner was Akeem Ches­ney, in sec­ond place, Rah­saan Hazel­wood and in third place, Ter­rence Ram­per­sads­ingh.

Medals and prizes were al­so award­ed to var­i­ous cat­e­gories in­clud­ing Youth Recre­ation­al, Women’s Recre­ation­al and Dou­ble Kayaks. There was keen com­pe­ti­tion among the three Sea Scout troops (sixth Trinidad from Port-of-Spain, third Trinidad from San Fer­nan­do and 1First Na­pari­ma) that par­tic­i­pat­ed.

The 10-year an­niver­sary event was spon­sored by the Mar­itime Fi­nan­cial Group, Kia Trinidad & To­ba­go and Phoenix Park Gas Proces­sors Lim­it­ed.

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