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Friday, February 28, 2025

Shiva Boys schools' champions


Vinode Mamchan
1815 days ago

The winning Shiva Boys outfit pose for this photograph after winning the 2020 PowerGen Secondary Schools Premiership I title. 
Left to right back: Devenish Neeranjan(vice principal),David Sultan( coach), dillon Jagmohan,Narendra Beharry,Gregory Nandlal,Isaiah Gomez, Damion Jaochim,Ashton Harracksingh,Nicholas Ali, Keron Rampersad, Shane Lutchman ( Manager). Front left to right - Lorenzo Loubon, Sachin Siewsankar, Anthony Arrindel, Kovid Bispath, Vishram Narine, Matheus Komal.

The winning Shiva Boys outfit pose for this photograph after winning the 2020 PowerGen Secondary Schools Premiership I title. Left to right back: Devenish Neeranjan(vice principal),David Sultan( coach), dillon Jagmohan,Narendra Beharry,Gregory Nandlal,Isaiah Gomez, Damion Jaochim,Ashton Harracksingh,Nicholas Ali, Keron Rampersad, Shane Lutchman ( Manager). Front left to right - Lorenzo Loubon, Sachin Siewsankar, Anthony Arrindel, Kovid Bispath, Vishram Narine, Matheus Komal.

Vinode Mamchan

Shi­va Boys Hin­du Col­lege won their first Pow­er­Gen Sec­ondary School Pre­mier­ship ti­tle on Tues­day when they de­feat­ed de­fend­ing cham­pi­ons Hillview Col­lege by 82 runs at Syne Vil­lage in Pe­nal.

Bat­ting first, Shi­va Boys made 191 all out with the con­sis­tent Nicholas Ali scor­ing 51 and Damion Joachim get­ting 32. In re­sponse, Isa­iah Gomez grabbed a hat­trick in the process of tak­ing 7/20 to leave Hillview short at 109 all out. Shi­va Boys fin­ished the league with 107 points the same as St. Bene­dicts Col­lege but Shi­va took the ti­tle af­ter win­ning their fourth-round en­counter against Bene­dicts.

Speak­ing about the vic­to­ry coach Shane Lutch­man said: "We are very hap­py for this win. We have been build­ing to­wards this for a while now. Five years ago we put in place a form one team, an un­der-16 team and these play­ers have been com­ing through nice­ly that is why we can en­joy this suc­cess right now."

Al­so on win­ners row yes­ter­day was Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege who dom­i­nat­ed their game against St. Mary's Col­lege. Spin­ner Nick­yle Jal­im was the star of the show for Pres claim­ing 4/24, as on­ly Ab­dur-Rah­maan Ju­man with 65 played a sig­nif­i­cant hand. San­jay Jawahir, how­ev­er, stole the show with a blis­ter­ing 78 and Khaleem Mo­hammed stroked 37 to take Pres home at 158/5.



At Pow­er­Gen: Shi­va Boys 191 all out (Nicholas Ali 51, Damion Joachim 32) vs Hillview 109 all out (Isa­iah Gomez 7/20). Shi­va won by 82 runs.

At St. Mary's: St Mary's 156 all out (Ab­dur-Rah­maan Ju­man 65 , Leon Basanoo 20, Ger­ard Chin 17, Nick­yle Jal­im 4-24, Shem As­cevero 2-20) vs Pre­sen­ta­tion San Fer­nan­do 158-5 (San­jay Jawahir 78, Khaleem mo­hammed 37, Jaden O’Brien 2-27) - Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege won by 5 wick­ets.


At Cou­va: CAPS East 139 for 9 (Ran­jiv Droo­jans­ingh 27, Tara­dath Bas­deo 23, Keeron Straughn 4/27) vs Bar­rack­pore West Sec­ondary 113 all out (Paris Jag­mo­han 38, Paul Far­rell 16, Tara­dath Bas­deo 3/17, Eme­lio Vil­lafana 3/22, Ran­jiov Droo­jans­ingh 2/29) - CAPS won by 26 runs.

At Kennedy Park: AS­JA 121 all out (Isi­ah Hyn­d­man 33, Avidesh Heera 22, Ra­jesh Ma­haraj 3/20, Anees Mo­hammed 2/26) vs Cou­va East - 122/7 (Ra­jesh Ma­haraj 23, Matthias Bruzal 20, Ashaf Mo­hammed 4/31) - Cou­va East won by 3 wk­ts.

At Char­lieville: Mir­a­cle Min­istries Pen­te­costal High School 237/10 (Hay­den Joseph 59, Ado­nis An­toine 92, Mi­tra Ma­haraj 3/50, Justin Ramjohn 2/6) vs AS­JA Char­lieville 197/10 (Ar­i­on Popal 61, Rahul Bharaj 3/53, Hay­den Joseph 3/55). Mir­a­cle Min­istries won by 40 runs.

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