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Saturday, March 8, 2025

Sinanan, Joseph, Ramcharan in Junior Badminton triple hunt


Nigel Simon
725 days ago
Amara Urquhart in action…advance to the final in the girls U-17 division after defeating Emily Lewis 21-12, 21-9 in the semifinals on Sunday.

Amara Urquhart in action…advance to the final in the girls U-17 division after defeating Emily Lewis 21-12, 21-9 in the semifinals on Sunday.

Daniel Prentice

The trio of Ryan Sinanan, Za­vion Joseph, and Ethan Ram­cha­ran will all be chas­ing triple crowns when the Na­tion­al Ju­nior Bad­minton Cham­pi­onship con­cludes at the Na­tion­al Rac­quet Cen­tre, Or­ange Grove Road, Tacarigua this week­end.

This af­ter the trio played their way to three fi­nals each in their re­spec­tive age groups at the same venue on Sun­day last.

In the Un­der-19 Di­vi­sion Sin­gles, Sinanan first beat Seth Mol­lah 21-8, 21-12 in his Boys Sin­gles quar­ter­fi­nal be­fore he stopped De­jaun Williams 21-17, 21-10 in the semi­fi­nals to set up a clash with Vishal Ram­sub­hag in the de­cider af­ter the lat­ter swept past Kyrese To­bias 21-3, 21-5, and Tairique Phillip 21-17, 21-13 in his two match­es on Sun­day.

In the Un­der-19 Mixed Dou­bles semi­fi­nals, Sinanan paired with Son­ja Cassie to beat Ram­sub­hag, and Danae Mootoos­ingh 21-14, 21-5 in their semi­fi­nal; while Williams com­bined with Danyelle Barnes to beat Aaiden Ram­cha­ran and Kara-Ash­ley Robert­son 19-21, 21-13, 24-22 in the oth­er.

And in the Boys' Un­der-19 Dou­bles, Ram­sub­hag and Sinanan beat Tairique Phillip and Tyler Som­rah 21-13, 21-12 in the last eight be­fore whip­ping Samuel Lewis, and Seth Mol­lah 21-10, 21-8 in the fi­nal four to set up a clash with Sameer Al, and Verone Sal­ick in the de­cider af­ter the lat­ter oust­ed Akeel Sanchez and Kyrese To­bias 21-12, 21-15 in their semi­fi­nals.

The pair of Joseph and Ram­cha­ran will be in di­rect bat­tle for the tre­ble in the Un­der-15 Di­vi­sion af­ter reach­ing the sin­gles, mixed dou­bles and boys dou­bles ti­tle match­es.

In the Sin­gles, Joseph beat Max­i­mum Walsh 21-4, 21-14 and then bat­tled past An­drew Bab­wah 21-16, 19-21, 21-8 in their semi­fi­nal while Ram­cha­ran spanked Ter­rell Her­nan­dez 21-3, 21-4, and then Nathan Agar­w­al, 21-5, 21-5.

How­ev­er, in the Un­der-15 Mixed Dou­bles, Joseph and Ar­i­an­na Man­sook beat Agar­w­al and Kate­lyn Richards 21-17, 21-15 in the last eight, and Ram­cha­ran, and Aliyah Urquhart crushed San­jay Maraj, and Kenise Gan­goo 21-7, 21-6 be­fore Ram­cha­ran and Urquhart stopped An­drew Bab­wah and Ten­niya To­bias 21-9, 21-14 in the fi­nal-four while Joseph and Man­sook ral­lied past Ter­rell Her­nan­dez, and Kimo­ra Bisses­sar 21-16, 20-22, 21-16.

In the Boys Un­der-15 Dou­bles semi­fi­nals, Joseph com­bined with Max­imus Walsh to de­feat Liam Per­sad and Zachary Rigues 21-16, 21-14 while Bab­wah and Ram­cha­ran pun­ished Agar­w­al, and Nicholi Je­booods­ingh, 21-10, 21-7.

Al­so, in the hunt for two ti­tles each will be Ja­ni­ah Boodoos­ingh (Un­der-19), Danyelle Barnes (Un­der-19), Ama­ra Urquhart (Un­der-17), Jace Smith (Un­der-17), Daryl Men­doza (Un­der-17), Emi­ly Lewis (Un­der-17), T'Shelle Barnes (Un­der-17), and To­bias, in the Un­der-15 age-group.

Sun­day's re­sults


Girls Un­der-13: Rishelle Boodoos­ingh bt Jer'Nyce Cadette 21-12, 21-14; Seren­i­ty Tin­to bt Jer'Nyce Cadette 21-14, 21-8.

Boys Un­der-15

Quar­ter­fi­nal: Ethan Ram­cha­ran bt Ter­rell Her­nan­dez 21-3, 21-4; Nathan Agar­w­al bt Kevin Ram­di­al 21-9, 21-12; An­drew Bab­wah bt Nicholi Je­boods­ingh 21-13, 21-18; Za­vion Joseph bt Max­i­mum Walsh 21-4, 21-14.

Semi­fi­nals: Za­vion Joseph bt An­drew Bab­wah 21-16, 19-21, 21-8; Ethan Ram­cha­ran bt Nathan Agar­w­al 21-5, 21-5;

Girls Un­der-15

Quar­ter­fi­nal: Samiya Karim bt An­na­iah James 21-13, 21-12; Kimo­ra Bisses­sar bt Ar­i­an­na Man­sook 21-13, 21-16; Aliyah Urquhart bt Kate­lyn Richards 21-13, 21-11; Ten­niya To­bias bt Kayleigh Ra­jku­mar 21-4, 21-6.

Semi­fi­nals: Samiya Karim bt Kimo­ra Bisses­sar 21-13, 21-14; Ten­niya To­bias bt Aliyah Urquhart 21-13, 21-15.

Girls Un­der-17

Quar­ter­fi­nal: Ama­ra Urquhart bt Ye­le­na Lewis 21-6, 21-11; Emi­ly Lewis bt Jes­si­ca Khan 21-9, 21-11; T'Shelle Barnes bt Asi­ian­na Ra­mad­hin 21-8, 21-10;

Kara-Ash­ley Robert­son bt Cheyenne Bho­la 21-8, 21-9.

Semi­fi­nals: Ama­ra Urquhart bt Emi­ly Lewis 21-12, 21-9; T'Shelle Barnes bt Kara-Ash­ley Robert­son

Boys Un­der-17

Quar­ter­fi­nals: Jace Smith bt Johnathan Julien 21-10, 21-11; Ki­ran Ram­per­sad bt Jamahl Ma­son 13-21, 21-11, 21-7; Kaveer Ra­moutar bt Dar­ryl Men­doza 21-17, 21-10; Aditya Ma­haraj bt Aaron Ram­per­sad 21-1, 21-9.

Semi­fi­nals: Jace Smith bt Ki­ran Ram­per­sad 21-14, 21-19; Aditya Ma­haraj bt Kaveer Ra­moutar 21-16, 13-21, 21-19.

Boys Un­der-19

Quar­ter­fi­nal: Vishal Ram­sub­hag bt Kyrese To­bias 21-3, 21-5; Tairique Phillip bt Sameer Ali 21-18, 21-17; De­jaun Williams bt Aiaiden Ram­cha­ran 21-15, 21-15; Ryan Sinanan bt Seth Mol­lah 21-8, 21-12.

Semi­fi­nals: Vishal Ram­sub­hag bt Tairique Phillip 21-17, 21-13; Ryan Sinanan bt De­jaun Williams 21-17, 21-10.

Girls Un­der-19

Quar­ter­fi­nal: Danyelle Barnes bt Tishelle George 13-21, 21-9, 21-16; Pu­ja Chendil Ku­mar bt Ke­vi-Ann Quam­i­na 21-11, 21-12; Ja­ni­ah Boodoos­ingh bt Ama­ra Joachim 21-14, 21-19; Danae Mootoos­ingh bt Shiv­ani Koonj-Be­har­ry 21-15, 21-11.

Semi­fi­nals: Danae Mootoos­ingh bt Danyelle Barnes 21-9, 21-19; Ja­ni­ah Boodoos­ingh bt Pu­ja Chendil Ku­mar 21-13, 21-14.

Mixed Dou­bles

Un­der-11: Liam Ra­jku­mar/Asia Lee Waller bt Avari Wells/Ke­naiya Gan­goo 21-12, 21-11; Ter­rell Gon­za­les/Tia Marie Castil­lo bt Avari Wells/Ke­naiya Gan­goo 18-21, 21-18, 21-18.


Semi­fi­nals: De­jaun Williams/Danyelle Barnes bt Aaiden Ram­cha­ran/Kara-Ash­ley Robert­son 19-21, 21-13, 24-22; Ryan Sinanan/Son­ja Cassie bt Vishal Ram­sub­hag/Danae Mootoos­ingh 21-14, 21-5.


Quar­ter­fi­nals: An­drew Bab­wah/Ten­niya To­bias bt Nicholi Je­boods­ingh/Samiya Karim 21-14, 21-18; Za­vion Joseph/Ar­i­an­na Man­sook bt Nathan Agar­w­al/Kate­lyn Richards 21-17, 21-15; Ethan Ram­cha­ran/Aliyah Urquhart bt San­jay Maraj/Kenise Gan­goo 21-7, 21-6; Ter­rell Her­nan­dez/Kimo­ra Bisses­sar bt Zachary Rigues/Kayleigh Ra­jku­mar 21-11, 21-16;

Semi­fi­nals: Ethan Ram­cha­ran/Aliyah Urquhart bt An­drew Bab­wah/Ten­niya To­bias 21-9, 21-14; Za­vion Joseph/Ar­i­an­na Man­sook bt Ter­rell Her­nan­dez/Kimo­ra Bisses­sar 21-16, 20-22, 21-16.


Semi­fi­nals: Jace Smith/T'Shelle Barnes bt Ama­ra Urquhart/Kaveer Ra­moutar 21-9, 21-18; Daryl Men­doza/Emi­ly Lewis bt Ki­ran Ram­per­sad/Kayleigh Richards 21-18, 21-11.

Boys Dou­bles Un­der-19

Quar­ter­fi­nals: Sameer Ali/Verone Sal­ick bt Aaiden Ram­cha­ran/De­jaun Williams 16-21, 21-15, 21-18; Samuel Lewis/Seth Mol­lah bt Za­mir Ali/Er­ic Ma­son 21-17, 21-8; Akeel Sanchez/Kyrese To­bias bt Doniv Pooran/Ashiv Seemu­n­gal-Dass 25-23, 17-21, 21-12; Vishal Ram­sub­hag/Ryan Sinanan bt Tairique Phillip/Tyler Som­rah 21-13, 21-12.

Semi­fi­nals: Sameer Ali/Verone Sal­ick bt Akeel Sanchez/Kyrese To­bias 21-12, 21-15; Vishal Ram­sub­hag/Ryan Sinanan bt Samuel Lewis/Seth Mol­lah 21-10, 21-8.

Boys Dou­bles Un­der-17

Semi­fi­nals: Jamahl Ma­son/Daryl Men­doza bt Yan­nic In­niss/Johnathan Julien 21-13, 21-15; Aditya Ma­haraj/Ki­ran Ram­per­sad bt Kaveer Ra­moutar/Jace Smith 21-15, 19-21, 21-19.

Girls Dou­bles Un­der-19

Quar­ter­fi­nals: Ja­ni­ah Boodoos­ingh/Son­ja Cassie bt Shiv­ani Koonj-Be­har­ry/Ke­vi-Ann Quam­i­na 21-10, 21-16; Janeil Boodoos­ingh/Tishelle George bt Asia La Fon/Tr­is­hana Lewis 21-10, 21-8;

Semi­fi­nals: Ja­ni­ah Boodoos­ingh/Son­ja Cassie bt Pu­ja Chendil Ku­mar/Danae Mootoos­ingh 13-21, 21-12, 21-16; Danyelle Barnes/T'Shelle Barnes bt Janeil Boodoos­ingh/Tishelle George 21-17, 21-10.

Girls Dou­bles Un­der-17

Semi­fi­nals: Kara-Ash­ley Robert­son/Ama­ra Urquhart bt Ade­o­la Alexan­der/Imani Mon­segue 21-8, 21-4; Emi­ly Lewis/Ye­lene Lewis bt Asian­na Ra­mad­hin/Kayleigh Richards 21-13, 17-21, 21-15.

Boys Dou­bles Un­der-15

Semi­fi­nals: Za­vion Joseph/Max­imus Walsh bt Liam Per­sad/Zachary Rigues 21-16, 21-14; An­drew Bab­wah/Ethan Ram­cha­ran bt Nathan Agar­w­al/Nicholi Je­booods­ingh 21-10, 21-7.

Girls Dou­bles Un­der-15

Quar­ter­fi­nals: An­na­iah james/Ten­niya To­bias bt Kimo­ra Bisses­sar/Rishelle Boodoos­ingh 21-15, 21-9; Samiya Karim/Katelybn Richards bt Kenise Gan­goo/Adia lall 21-4, 21-15.

Semi­fi­nals new: An­na­iah James/Ten­niya To­bias bt Mari­ah Hollingsworth/Kiy­o­mi St Clair 21-8, 21-2; Samiya Karim/Katelybn Richards bt Ar­i­an­na Man­sook/Aliyah Urquhart 21-14, 21-19.

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