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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Sir Andy in full support of Women's World Cup


Sports Desk
2347 days ago
Sir Andy, the legendary paceman won the ICC Cricket World Cup in 1975 and 1979.

Sir Andy, the legendary paceman won the ICC Cricket World Cup in 1975 and 1979.

The 67-year-old is ranked among the best fast bowlers of all time and is a mem­ber of the ICC Hall of Fame. He will make sev­er­al ap­pear­ances to help pro­mote the tour­na­ment, which will be played from No­vem­ber 9 to 24. He will be based in his home­land An­tigua and will al­so at­tend the se­mi-fi­nals and fi­nal on 22 and 24 No­vem­ber re­spec­tive­ly.

Sir Andy Roberts said: “I was asked, and I gra­cious­ly ac­cept­ed the in­vi­ta­tion to join the CWI pro­gramme be­cause of my love for crick­et. I will do what­ev­er I can for West In­dies crick­et and this is my small con­tri­bu­tion to the women’s game, which we can all see is grow­ing all around the world and we are see­ing ev­i­dence of and that growth here in our re­gion.

“Women’s crick­et is at­tract­ing more fans and I’m one of those fans. I watch them play and I en­joy every mo­ment of it. What I like is the en­er­gy, the ath­leti­cism, the dy­namism and the lev­el of fit­ness. The style of play is al­so won­der­ful to see – and the field­ing is tremen­dous. I would like to in­vite all the fans to come out and watch the tour­na­ment – which will be won­der­ful for the de­vel­op­ment of the game among women.”

“I am hop­ing that the peo­ple of An­tigua come out in their num­bers. I would love to see our Windies team reach the se­mi-fi­nals and move on from there. That would def­i­nite­ly help to boost the num­bers for the match­es here in An­tigua.”

Roberts was a key mem­ber of the dom­i­nant team of the 1970s and 1980s and was in the squads which won the ICC Crick­et World Cup in 1975 and again in 1979. He took 202 wick­ets in 47 Tests and an­oth­er 87 wick­ets in 56 One-Day In­ter­na­tion­als in an out­stand­ing ca­reer, which spanned from 1974 to 1983.

This is the first time the ICC Women’s World T20 is be­ing staged as a stand-alone event. The se­mi-fi­nals and fi­nal will be played at the Sir Vi­vian Richards Crick­et Ground in An­tigua.

The pre­lim­i­nary rounds are sched­uled for 9 to 18 No­vem­ber at the Guyana Na­tion­al Sta­di­um, Prov­i­dence, Guyana and the Daren Sam­my Crick­et Ground at Beause­jour, St Lu­cia.

The Windies are the de­fend­ing cham­pi­ons, hav­ing won the last edi­tion in In­dia in April 2016. The Aus­tralians have won the tour­na­ment three times while Eng­land and the Windies have won it once each.

The hosts are placed in Group A along with Eng­land, South Africa, Sri Lan­ka and Bangladesh, while Aus­tralia, In­dia, New Zealand, Pak­istan and Ire­land are in Group B.

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