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Friday, February 28, 2025

Six races for Santa Rosa on New Years Day


Kelvin "N"
1521 days ago
Three-Year-old John O’Brien trained Early Bird with leading jockey Brian Boodramsingh pushing favourite Nuclear Power, the four-year-old Harriram Gobin trained  with jockey Wilmer Galviz  during the Stewards Cup (GR 1) at Santa Rosa Park in Arima on Day 36, 2019.

Three-Year-old John O’Brien trained Early Bird with leading jockey Brian Boodramsingh pushing favourite Nuclear Power, the four-year-old Harriram Gobin trained with jockey Wilmer Galviz during the Stewards Cup (GR 1) at Santa Rosa Park in Arima on Day 36, 2019.


Kelvin 'N'

A to­tal of 62 hors­es have tak­en en­try for the First Day of the Ari­ma Race Club's (ARC) Day I, 2021 Rac­ing sea­son. There will be six races on the card. The fea­ture event on the pro­gramme is the Grade Three - Sian's Gold Sprint over 1,100 me­tres on the Turf course at San­ta Rosa Park, Ari­ma.

Five hors­es were de­clared to face the starter with the John O'Brien trained Ear­ly Bird, the 2019 Sprint Cham­pi­on in the line-up. He will be part­nered by Ker­ron Khelawan. O'Brien will have three hors­es in the event as the 2018 win­ner Thisones­for­ron will be rid­den by cham­pi­on ap­pren­tice Ki­mal San­to. Cham­pi­on jock­ey Bri­an Boodram­s­ing will ride Cool Cat.

For­mer cham­pi­on train­er Glenn Mendez has paid a penal­ty to have the tal­ent­ed Gen­er­al JN com­pete in the event. The pow­er­ful chest­nut thor­ough­bred will be rac­ing on the turf for the first time and will now be rid­den by Rick Jadoo. The fi­nal run­ner in the line up is Rio Pon­ti which has been spe­cial­ly pre­pared for this event. The Har­ri­ram Gob­in trained horse will be rid­den by Ronald Ali.

Bel­la Ri­va which was im­pres­sive in vic­to­ry last Sat­ur­day in the T&T Breed­ers Clas­sic over 1,800 me­tres will race on the turf for the first time in the sec­ond event over 1,500 me­tres on the urf track. She will have to bat­tle with the old­er 'Bat­tle Hard­ened' hors­es like Leonar­do An­gel, News Flash and Mafia Man.

In the fi­nal event on the card, O'Brien sends out the im­pres­sive St James/St Ann's Stakes win­ner Su­per Bird. He will tote 48 ki­los and will be part­nered by Bri­an Boodram­s­ing.

Post time for the first event on Sat­ur­day - Day 1 of the ARC rac­ing sea­son is 1:05 pm.

Here are the en­tries for Day I of the ARC Rac­ing sea­son.

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