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Monday, February 17, 2025

SporTT eases National Aquatic Centre concerns


Sport Desk
22 days ago
The Natioanl Aquatic Centre.

The Natioanl Aquatic Centre.

Courtesy SporTT

With the Aquat­ic Sports As­so­ci­a­tion of T&T (ASATT) set to host the Carif­ta Swim­ming Cham­pi­onship from April 19 to 22, the Sports Com­pa­ny of T&T (SporTT) has moved quick­ly to eased re­cent con­cern raised.

In a re­lease to the me­dia yes­ter­day SporTT said: "It wish­es to ad­dress re­cent con­cerns re­gard­ing the con­di­tion of the com­pe­ti­tion pool at the Na­tion­al Aquat­ic Cen­tre (NAC).

"SporTT re­mains com­mit­ted to main­tain­ing the high­est stan­dards at its fa­cil­i­ties to en­sure a safe and en­joy­able en­vi­ron­ment for ath­letes, coach­es, and spec­ta­tors.

"From Jan­u­ary 16 to 22, 2025, the truss­ing above the com­pe­ti­tion pool and spec­ta­tor stands un­der­went nec­es­sary clean­ing.

As part of this process, pro­tec­tive cov­ers were placed on the com­pe­ti­tion pool from Jan­u­ary 15 to 23, to safe­guard the wa­ter from de­bris and oth­er con­t­a­m­i­nants.

"How­ev­er, as is typ­i­cal when pools re­main cov­ered for ex­tend­ed pe­ri­ods, some al­gae growth oc­curred due to re­strict­ed sun­light and air cir­cu­la­tion.

"SporTT be­gan clean­ing the pool walls and floor im­me­di­ate­ly up­on re­mov­ing the cov­ers on Jan­u­ary 23. The stan­dard re­cov­ery process for pool wa­ter typ­i­cal­ly re­quires 3-4 days, and every ef­fort is be­ing made to fast-track this process to en­sure the pool is com­pe­ti­tion-ready by Sun­day (Jan­u­ary 26).

"SporTT takes ut­most care in the main­te­nance of its fa­cil­i­ties and op­er­ates on a rig­or­ous dai­ly main­te­nance sched­ule for all three pools at the NAC.

"The mis­in­for­ma­tion that is be­ing cir­cu­lat­ed on­line is ter­ri­bly un­for­tu­nate. SporTT as­sures the Aquat­ics Sports As­so­ci­a­tion of T&T (ASATT), as well as all stake­hold­ers, that the com­pe­ti­tion pool will meet the re­quired stan­dards in time for Sun­day’s event.

"We thank the pub­lic for their un­der­stand­ing and con­tin­ued sup­port as we work dili­gent­ly to pro­vide world-class fa­cil­i­ties for our ath­letes and sport­ing com­mu­ni­ty.

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