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Sunday, March 9, 2025

SSFL Arbitration Committee upholds St Benedict’s penalty over Garcia’s registration matter


Walter Alibey
43 days ago
FILE: St Benedict’s Derrel Garcia makes a run against Presentation College San Fernando during the SSFL Premiership top of the table match at the Mannie Ramjohn Stadium on October 23 in Marabella. Garcia scored the second goal in St Benedict’s College 2-0 win.

FILE: St Benedict’s Derrel Garcia makes a run against Presentation College San Fernando during the SSFL Premiership top of the table match at the Mannie Ramjohn Stadium on October 23 in Marabella. Garcia scored the second goal in St Benedict’s College 2-0 win.

A four-man ar­bi­tra­tion com­mit­tee of the Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League (SS­FL) up­held a rul­ing by its Dis­ci­pli­nary and Ap­peals Com­mit­tees to strip St Bene­dict’s Col­lege of its Pre­mier Di­vi­sion ti­tle for us­ing strik­er Der­rel Gar­cia, who was deemed to be im­prop­er­ly reg­is­tered dur­ing the 2024 sea­son.

The com­mit­tee of William Wal­lace, chair­man An­tho­ny Creed, Ruben Han­sraj, and Theophilus Trim heard ar­gu­ments from prin­ci­pal Gre­go­ry Quan Kep, foot­ball team man­ag­er Ravi Ram­goolam, and their le­gal rep­re­sen­ta­tive Christo­pher Brath­waite but con­clud­ed af­ter­ward that the school’s at­ten­dance record of Gar­cia was suf­fi­cient in­for­ma­tion to make a de­ci­sion.

Two times be­fore, the St Bene­dict’s trio ap­peared be­fore the Dis­ci­pli­nary and Ap­peals Com­mit­tees, con­tend­ing that Gar­cia’s re­turn to school af­ter more than a year out of the school sys­tem and un­know­ing to the Min­istry of Ed­u­ca­tion was Sep­tem­ber 30. How­ev­er, it ap­peared he did not at­tend class­es un­til he was first picked up on the at­ten­dance reg­is­ter at school on Oc­to­ber 8.

All three com­mit­tees were made to fol­low the rec­om­men­da­tions of the Min­istry of Ed­u­ca­tion, af­ter an in­ves­ti­ga­tion was con­duct­ed af­ter is­sues were raised about Gar­cia’s leave of ab­sence to at­tend a foot­ball schol­ar­ship with a Span­ish sports acad­e­my be­tween Sep­tem­ber 2023 and Ju­ly 2024.

In­for­ma­tion about the play­er’s leave from the school and sub­se­quent re­turn was in­ter­cept­ed by a high-rank­ing Min­istry of Ed­u­ca­tion of­fi­cial, who or­dered an in­ves­ti­ga­tion. Ac­cord­ing to the Min­istry of Ed­u­ca­tion, it did not re­ceive any in­for­ma­tion about the play­er’s leave of ab­sence from St Bene­dict’s Col­lege for the pe­ri­od in ques­tion.

A three-page re­port from the ar­bi­tra­tion Fri­day re­vealed: “In the SS­FL Con­sti­tu­tion: Ar­ti­cle 16 (i) Stu­dents must be du­ly reg­is­tered ac­cord­ing to the ex­ist­ing rules and reg­u­la­tions of the MOE (ii) Stu­dents must be on the of­fi­cial roll of the school (iii) Stu­dents must at­tend class­es at the school dur­ing nor­mal school hours.” Ad­di­tion­al­ly, the le­gal opin­ion of Mr. Ty­rone Mar­cus is that Gar­cia has sat­is­fied 1 and 2 of the con­sti­tu­tion based on the MOE let­ter dat­ed De­cem­ber 9th, 2024. As a con­se­quence, ev­i­dence needs to be es­tab­lished for (iii).”

It not­ed fur­ther: “Fur­ther find­ings by the Ar­bi­tra­tion Com­mit­tee from ques­tions and doc­u­ments: 1. Copy of the class reg­is­ter/roll signed and stamped by the Prin­ci­pal of St Bene­dict’s Col­lege and coun­ter­signed by the School Su­per­vi­sor III, Mr Shel­don Jod­ha, that Gar­cia’s pres­ence on the com­pound on Sep­tem­ber 30 is not cap­tured in the class reg­is­ter, which is an of­fi­cial/le­gal doc­u­ment, as shown in the reg­is­ter with a line through the pe­ri­od ab­sent up to Oc­to­ber 7. Usu­al­ly, when a stu­dent is at­tend­ing school but is ab­sent on any giv­en day, a “0” is put in the col­umn. The line is an in­di­ca­tor that the stu­dent was out for an ex­tend­ed pe­ri­od.

“The state­ment from the St Bene­dict’s Col­lege rep that Gar­cia was is­sued a play­er’s ID months in ad­vance, which val­i­dat­ed his sta­tus, may be er­ro­neous since there is ev­i­dence that Gar­cia was is­sued an ID for the 2024 sea­son on Oc­to­ber 4, as shown in the What­sApp ex­changes be­tween the of­fice as­sis­tant at the SS­FL of­fice and Mr Ram­goolam.”

Ac­cord­ing to the four-man com­mit­tee, it al­so en­coun­tered some crit­i­cal ob­ser­va­tions that showed, “Prin­ci­pals are ex­pect­ed to con­tribute to the gov­er­nance of the League. When the school reg­is­ters a stu­dent to play in the League, there is an as­sump­tion that cer­tain ba­sic cri­te­ria, like at­ten­dance, which is con­trolled and mon­i­tored by the prin­ci­pal/his rep­re­sen­ta­tive via an of­fi­cial doc­u­ment, are in or­der. There is no rea­son, there­fore, to ask that all schools sub­mit at­ten­dance reg­is­ters un­less it is re­quired.

“(b) The is­sue of the school be­ing sin­gled out is not a fair as­sump­tion. An in­ves­ti­ga­tion in the League is trig­gered in var­i­ous ways. In this case, the ques­tions on Gar­cia’s sta­tus were in the pub­lic do­main and there­fore came to the at­ten­tion of the League, and the ques­tion was, since Gar­cia was away from school for one aca­d­e­m­ic year, whether the prac­ticed pro­to­col of re­in­state­ment was fol­lowed.

“(c) As ed­u­ca­tors, we are fa­mil­iar with the pro­to­col to fol­low when a stu­dent is away from school for a term, and in Gar­cia’s case he was away for one aca­d­e­m­ic year. It is there­fore fair to sur­mise that this would have trig­gered the in­ves­ti­ga­tion.

“(d) It should be not­ed that Gar­cia’s moth­er, by her let­ter to the prin­ci­pal dat­ed Sep­tem­ber 25 re­quest­ing his re­in­state­ment, seems to be quite aware of the pro­to­cols.”

In draw­ing its con­clu­sion, the re­port, which was signed by the com­mit­tee chair­man Creed, stat­ed the Ar­bi­tra­tion Com­mit­tee unan­i­mous­ly sup­ports the de­ci­sion of the Dis­ci­pli­nary Com­mit­tee and is en­dorsed by the Ap­peals Com­mit­tee that St Bene­dict’s Col­lege was in breach of SS­FL Con­sti­tu­tion Ar­ti­cle 16 with the reg­is­tra­tion of play­er Der­rel Gar­cia, where­in the Ar­ti­cle ar­tic­u­lates ‘class at­ten­dance’ for the restart of class­es at school for Gar­cia, which was on Oc­to­ber 8, 2024.

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