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Sunday, February 23, 2025

T&T Bobsleigh team goes into action


Rachael Thompson-King
1110 days ago
Brake man Andre Marcano, T&T bobsleigher.

Brake man Andre Marcano, T&T bobsleigher.

Courtesy Team TTO

Pi­lot Ax­el Brown and brake­man An­dre Mar­cano, T&T's rep­re­sen­ta­tive at the Bei­jing Win­ter Olympic Games in Chi­na, was card­ed to get its first taste of what com­pe­ti­tion would be like in the two-man bob­sleigh event Thurs­day.

British-born Brown and Mar­cano, T&T's flag-bear­er at the open­ing cer­e­mo­ny, are sched­uled to race in the event's of­fi­cial train­ing start­ing Thurs­day morn­ing from 2.55 am in heat one and two at the Yan­qing Na­tion­al Slid­ing Cen­tre, speed­ing off in po­si­tion num­ber 11 out of the 30-na­tion field.

Heat three and four will take place on Fri­day from 2.10 am with teams rac­ing from the op­po­site or­der. T&T will start in the 20th spot. On Sat­ur­day, the fi­nal train­ing day, T&T will face off the starter from the 28th po­si­tion at 12.40 am.

This is all in prepa­ra­tion for the start of the com­pe­ti­tion on Mon­day from 8.05 am. Heat two is lat­er at 9.40 am while heat three will be the fol­low­ing day (Feb­ru­ary 15) from 8.15 am. The medal race/heat four will un­fold lat­er at 9.50 am.

Cana­da's Justin Kripps, the pi­lot, and Alexan­der Kopacz (brake­man) and Francesco Friedrich and Thorsten Mar­gis of Ger­many shared gold af­ter the two teams record­ed ex­act­ly the same time af­ter four runs in the two-man bob­sleigh com­pe­ti­tion at the 2018 Win­ter Olympics held at the Alpen­sia Slid­ing Cen­tre near Pyeongchang, South Ko­rea. Os­kars Mel­bardis and Ja­nis Stren­ga of Latvia won the bronze medal.

Three of the four gold-medal-win­ning teams are back to de­fend their ti­tles.

Kripps is back with new part­ner Cam Stones for Cana­da, which has three teams in the com­pe­ti­tion So too, Ger­mans Friedrich and Mar­gis. That na­tion al­so has three teams en­tered in the event. Latvia, the 2018 third-place fin­ish­ing na­tion, has two teams en­tered with new mem­bers.

Caribbean neigh­bour Ja­maica al­so has a team in the com­pe­ti­tion - Shan­wayne Stephens and Nim­roy Tur­gott.

T&T is be­ing coached by Thomas Har­ris and has Sha­keel John, who re­placed Mikel Thomas af­ter he was with­drawn due to health is­sues, as its al­ter­nate ath­lete.

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