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Thursday, March 27, 2025

T&T horses arrive safely in Barbados


Kelvin 'N'
28 days ago
FILE - Five-year-old Shaffick Mohammed-owned and Ramesh Ramroop-trained Sneaky Cheeky with apprentice jockey Tristan Phillips astride flying past the winning pole to win the Modified Benchmark Handicap for two-year-old and over horses rated 80 and out at Santa Rosa Park in Arima, on October 26.

FILE - Five-year-old Shaffick Mohammed-owned and Ramesh Ramroop-trained Sneaky Cheeky with apprentice jockey Tristan Phillips astride flying past the winning pole to win the Modified Benchmark Handicap for two-year-old and over horses rated 80 and out at Santa Rosa Park in Arima, on October 26.

Ralph Banwarie

All T&T hors­es, which will par­tic­i­pate in the meet­ing at the Gar­ri­son Sa­van­nah in Bar­ba­dos on Sat­ur­day (March 1), have ar­rived safe­ly.

The John O’Brien team, which ar­rived on Tues­day, all looked well and is ca­pa­ble of do­ing ex­treme­ly well in the top events.

Yes­ter­day morn­ing, cham­pi­on jock­ey Dil­lon Khelawan ar­rived and is ex­pect­ed to sit on his mounts Thurs­day morn­ing.

Top train­er Ramesh Ram­roop showed his pos­i­tiv­i­ty when he sent his horse, the Stew­ards Cup win­ner Sneaky Cheeky swim­ming and will con­tin­ue to do so un­til race day.

When asked about the well-be­ing of Sneaky Cheeky, Ram­roop said, “She is ready to run a great race, I am hop­ing that she will be suc­cess­ful. As I stat­ed yes­ter­day, I am very hap­py with her num­ber one, the draw in the Six Fur­longs Spa Stakes in Bar­ba­dos on Sat­ur­day. This five-year-old mare has been in Bar­ba­dos since last Thurs­day and is ex­pect­ed to go close in the fea­ture events.”

The five-year-old mare Sneaky Cheeky gave train­er Ramesh Ram­roop his first Grade One suc­cess in his ca­reer when she won the fea­ture - the Stew­ards Cup, the sym­bol of sprint­ing su­prema­cy, by two-and-a-quar­ter lengths at San­ta Rosa Park, Ari­ma.

The O’Brien-trained hors­es looked im­mac­u­late when they ar­rived at the Gar­ri­son Sa­van­nah yes­ter­day. Hel­lo World looked ex­cep­tion­al along with the Gold Cup run­ner The God­dess Nike and Princess Aruna which go to post with Hel­lo World in the Tan­gle­wood Stakes.

Yes­ter­day, the hors­es were all led in­to the en­clo­sure where they were made aware of the sur­round­ings. They were walked in­to the pa­rade ring and walked around un­til train­er O’Brien was as­sured that they got the job done.

All the T&T hors­es looked well and they could sur­prise their Ba­jan coun­ter­parts on Sat­ur­day. Many of the Bar­ba­di­an pun­ters are com­ing out to the Gar­ri­son Sa­van­nah to look at the four hors­es to­mor­row.

All T&T hors­es have been train­ing at San­ta Rosa Park go­ing in the next di­rec­tion.

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