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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

T&T starts Pan Am Water polo battle


Nigel Simon, Senior Sports Reporter
2028 days ago
St Louis, USA-born Jeff Passwater, coach of the T&T men and women Under-17 teams who will both be in action when the 2019 Pan American Youth Water Polo Championships splashes off at the National Aquatic Centre, in Balmain, Couva, from today (Friday, August 16), from 9 am.

St Louis, USA-born Jeff Passwater, coach of the T&T men and women Under-17 teams who will both be in action when the 2019 Pan American Youth Water Polo Championships splashes off at the National Aquatic Centre, in Balmain, Couva, from today (Friday, August 16), from 9 am.

Nigel Simon

T&T men and women Un­der-17 teams will both be in ac­tion when the 2019 Pan Amer­i­can Youth Wa­ter Po­lo Cham­pi­onships splash­es off at the Na­tion­al Aquat­ic Cen­tre, in Bal­main, Cou­va, from on Fri­day, from 9 am.

The ten-day event is a Swim­ming Union of the Amer­i­cans (UA­NA) com­pe­ti­tion and serves as the qual­i­fi­er for the Amer­i­c­as re­gion to the FI­NA Worlds Youth Cham­pi­onships 2020.

The Amer­i­c­as re­gion is made up of four con­fer­ences be­ing USA, Cana­da, CON­SANAT (South Amer­i­ca), CC­CAN (Cen­tral Amer­i­ca and Caribbean Na­tions) and the coun­tries list­ed to com­pete in­clude USA, Cana­da, Brazil, Colom­bia, Ar­genti­na, Pe­ru, Ba­hamas, and host T&T in the 17 and Un­der Boys’ while USA, Cana­da, Brazil, Ar­genti­na, Pe­ru, and T&T will com­pete in the 17 and Un­der Girls’.

First, in ac­tion for T&T will be the girls' team against Brazil from 11.40 am while the boys' open their cam­paign in the first match of the evening ses­sion, against Cana­da from 2 pm.

The lo­cal girls will then face USA (Au­gust 17), Cana­da (Au­gust 18), Pe­ru (Au­gust 19), and Ar­genti­na (Au­gust 20) at the end of which the top two will qual­i­fy di­rect­ly to the semi­fi­nals on Au­gust 22 while the teams that fin­ish third to sixth will meet in cross-over quar­ter­fi­nals to de­ter­mine the oth­er fi­nal-four qual­i­fiers.

In the boys' com­pe­ti­tion, T&t next faces Ar­genti­na (Au­gust 17), Pe­ru (Au­gust 18), Colom­bia (Au­gust 19), Brazil (Au­gust 20), USA (Au­gust 21) and Ba­hamas (Au­gust 22) at the end of which the top two teams will con­test the gold medal match, while the third and fourth-placed teams com­pete for bronze.

The fifth and sixth-placed teams will face off for fifth while sev­enth and eighth clash to avoid the cel­lar-spot.

Speak­ing on the eve of the tour­na­ment, T&T coach Jeff Pass­wa­ter, a St Louis, USA na­tive, and for­mer coach at Uni­ver­si­ty of the Pa­cif­ic, Mc Kendree Uni­ver­si­ty and an as­sis­tant coach at Brown Uni­ver­si­ty said the main aim of the lo­cal teams is to qual­i­fy for the Worlds.

"The boys need to win at least four match­es to have a chance to qual­i­fy­ing for the Worlds, while the girls will need to win no few­er than two match­es to have a chance.

With re­gards to his teams' tac­tics for the du­ra­tion of the cham­pi­onship, Pass­wa­ter was quick to point out that the strong points for the T&T teams are their de­fence, and once they can play strong de­fen­sive­ly it will trans­late in­to good of­fen­sive op­por­tu­ni­ties for us", said Pass­wa­ter who was YCF Wa­ter Po­lo Club in Or­lan­do, Fla., from 2012-2015 be­fore mov­ing on to be­come the vol­un­teer as­sis­tant coach at Brown Uni­ver­si­ty in 2016..

He added, "We will be play­ing again some very good teams, so we will al­so need to be very smart in how we con­trol the tem­po and du­ra­tion of our match­es".

Over­all, we are hop­ing to open up the sport lo­cal­ly to make sure that in the fu­ture we can have a wider tal­ent pool to choose from," added Pass­wa­ter.

The lo­cals teams have been in heavy train­ing since the ear­ly Feb­ru­ary of this year, in prepa­ra­tion ul­ti­mate­ly for this day and on the way they have done con­sid­er­ably well, with three gold medals and one sil­ver won at the Carif­ta Wa­ter Po­lo Cham­pi­onship, and one gold medal at the CC­CAN Cham­pi­onships, both held in Bar­ba­dos.

Over­all, the dou­ble-gen­der event will fea­ture 195 ath­letes, sev­en UA­NA tech­ni­cal wa­ter po­lo com­mit­tee mem­bers and 12 ref­er­ees.

The teams are ex­pect­ed to start ar­riv­ing on Au­gust 14 with the tech­ni­cal meet­ing set for a day lat­er fol­lowed by the open­ing cer­e­mo­ny on the evening of Au­gust 16.

Match­es will be con­test­ed from Au­gust 16 to 23 with sev­en match­es be­ing con­test­ed dai­ly up un­til the fi­nal day which will fea­ture six match­es.

So far the T&T teams have en­joyed a very pos­i­tive 2019 with Carif­ta gold medals at the Carif­ta Games in the 14 and Un­der Co-ed, 19 and Un­der Girls’ and 19 and Un­der Boys, with a sil­ver in the 16 and Un­der Boys.

At the CC­CAN lev­el, T&T won gold in the 15 and Un­der Boys beat­ing ri­vals and neme­sis Puer­to Ri­co while in the past, T&T al­so qual­i­fied for World Youth Cham­pi­onship at Perth, in 2012 through its per­for­mance at Pan Amer­i­can Youths 2011.

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