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Friday, March 28, 2025

T&T's cyclist Paul is world's #1


Gyasi Merrique
1288 days ago
T&T's Nicholas Paul competes during the track cycling men's sprint race at the 2020 Summer Olympics on August 5 in Izu, Japan. (AP Photo/Thibault Camus)

T&T's Nicholas Paul competes during the track cycling men's sprint race at the 2020 Summer Olympics on August 5 in Izu, Japan. (AP Photo/Thibault Camus)

Thibault Camus

Nicholas Paul has risen to num­ber one in the men's elite sprint rank­ing fol­low­ing his tre­ble-win­ning per­for­mance at the UCI Na­tions Cup at the Al­cides Ni­eto Pati­no Velo­drome in Colom­bia last week­end where he won gold in the 1km time tri­al, match sprint and keirin events set­ting two new venue records in the process.

Join­ing Paul on the rank­ings list which re­leased on Mon­day is fel­low Na­tions Cup gold medal­list Ak­il Camp­bell af­ter he al­so won gold in the men's elim­i­na­tion race in Colom­bia, T&T's first-ever win in that event on the Na­tions Cup cir­cuit. He is now ranked third in the men's elite elim­i­na­tion rank­ing.

In what was a sen­sa­tion­al ride, Camp­bell bat­tled back from a crash he suf­fered from six rid­ers left in the race. The fall left Camp­bell with a bro­ken bike as well as a bruised hip, how­ev­er, he got back in­to the sad­dle and caught up with the pack be­fore even­tu­al­ly cap­tur­ing the gold medal by win­ning a sprint ahead of Ken­ny de Ketele of Bel­gium.

Speak­ing to the me­dia on Fri­day, Camp­bell said the ac­com­plish­ment has en­er­gized him for the World Cham­pi­onships where he has al­ready qual­i­fied for both the scratch and the elim­i­na­tion races.

"When I fell, I was pret­ty mad be­cause I was on a big stage and want­ed to do the right thing al­ways. But I made a mis­take and got back up. I think it was ba­si­cal­ly adren­a­line that pro­pelled me to win.

Camp­bell added, "It is a re­al­ly good feel­ing to be ranked third in the world at this present time. The next thing for me would be the World Cham­pi­onships in France and hope­ful­ly, I can go there and per­form at my best."

Al­though he has a dam­aged bike Camp­bell said he was try­ing to have it re­placed by ac­cess­ing any avail­able grants from the Sports Com­pa­ny of T&T (SporTT). Pres­i­dent of the T&T Cy­cling Fed­er­a­tion Rowe­na Williams con­firmed that the fed­er­a­tion would as­sist Camp­bell, how­ev­er, they could.

25-year-old Camp­bell, a for­mer Caribbean ju­nior road cy­cling gold medal­ist and a mul­ti-time na­tion­al cham­pi­on has en­joyed a stel­lar 2021 so far. In June he won the men's scratch race at the Elite Pan Amer­i­can Cham­pi­onships which was al­so a first-ever for T&T.

When asked about what has con­tributed most to his pur­ple patch of re­sults, Camp­bell heaped praise on his sis­ter Te­niel who her­self is a pi­o­neer­ing en­durance rid­er on the Eu­ro­pean cir­cuit.

"This year my sis­ter was help­ing me a lot more with coach­ing wise and with my in­ter­vals, so I think that has been the biggest thing for me this year," he said.

Mean­while, Williams said the re­cent ac­com­plish­ments have served to height­en the pro­file of the sport and com­mit­ted her or­gan­i­sa­tion to cap­i­tal­ize on the in­creased ex­po­sure.

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