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Monday, March 10, 2025

Wilson, Douglas lose in quarters of men's doubles


Nigel Simon
720 days ago
T&T’s Derron Douglas, left, and Aaron Wilson…The duo was ousted in the quarterfinals of the men’s doubles competition at the ten-team Central American and Caribbean (CAC) Games Table Tennis Qualifying Teams Tournament at the National Gymnasium, Marcelo Drive, Georgetown, yesterday.

T&T’s Derron Douglas, left, and Aaron Wilson…The duo was ousted in the quarterfinals of the men’s doubles competition at the ten-team Central American and Caribbean (CAC) Games Table Tennis Qualifying Teams Tournament at the National Gymnasium, Marcelo Drive, Georgetown, yesterday.

T&T duo Aaron Wil­son and Der­ron Dou­glas reached the quar­ter­fi­nals in the men's dou­bles at the 63rd Caribbean Re­gion­al Ta­ble Ten­nis Fed­er­a­tion Se­nior Cham­pi­onship Tues­day at the Na­tion­al Gym­na­si­um, Marce­lo Dri­ve, George­town, Guyana.

The dou­bles com­pe­ti­tions served off with Wil­son and Dou­glas beat­ing Bar­ba­di­ans Far­ley and Tyrese Knight in their round-of-16 tie, 3-0, to set up a quar­ter­fi­nal clash with Puer­to Ri­cans Bri­an Afanador, and mixed dou­bles win­ner Daniel Gon­za­lez, with the lat­ter pair pre­vail­ing 3-1 to end the T&T boys hopes of a medal.

In the mixed dou­bles round-of-16 match­es, Wil­son and Ed­wards-Tay­lor were brushed aside by Guyana’s She­mar Brit­ton, and Edghill 3-0 while Fras­er and Dou­glas al­so bowed out to Cubans, Jorge Cam­pos, and Daniela Fon­se­ca Car­razana by the same 3-0 mar­gin in their re­spec­tive round-of-16 en­counter.

And the women’s dou­bles pair of Fras­er and Ed­wards-Tay­lor did not fear any bet­ter in their last-16 tie and was oust­ed by Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic’s Munoz and Yasiris Or­tiz 3-0.

How­ev­er, the T&T quar­tet of Wil­son, Dou­glas, Chloe Fras­er, and Priyan­ka Khellawan will re­sume their quest for in­di­vid­ual glo­ry in the men's and women's sin­gles main draw on Wednes­day from 10 am.

The duo of France-based 14-year-old Fras­er and 17-year-old Khellawan will re­sume play in the evening ses­sion in the women's sin­gles round-of-16 af­ter re­ceiv­ing round-of-32 byes.

Khellawan, who plays lo­cal­ly for Pow­er­gen, will face Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic's Shary Munoz at 3.45 pm, while Fras­er, who re­cent­ly won a tour­na­ment in France will do bat­tle with Cuban, Daniela Fon­se­ca Car­razana from 4.30 pm for places in the quar­ter­fi­nals.

When the sin­gles tour­na­ment served off on Mon­day, Khellawan was beat­en by Puer­to Ri­can Daniely Rios 1-11, 1-11, 3-11 in her Group Three open­er, but re­bound­ed to shock Guyana’s Priscil­la Greaves, 11-8, 11-13, 11-7, 8-11, 11-6, to snatch the oth­er qual­i­fi­ca­tion spot be­hind Rios who de­feat­ed Greaves, 11-3, 11-5, 11-8, in the open­ing match in the three-play­er pool.

Her op­po­nent, Munoz topped Group Six af­ter she de­feat­ed Guyana’s Chelsea Edghill 12-10, 12-10, 11-6, and T&T's Imani Ed­wards-Tay­lor 11-7, 7-11, 13-11, 11-7 while Edghill pow­ered past 17-year-old Ed­wards-Tay­lor of Queen’s Park 11-2, 11-4, 11-5.

Fras­er bat­tled past St Lu­cian Zar­i­anne An­tho­ny, 11-5, 9-11, 8-11, 11-9, 11-5, to se­cure the all-im­por­tant run­ner-up spot in Group Four af­ter she was beat­en by Cuban Idaly Lovet 5-11, 11-13, 2-11 in her open­ing match. Lovet al­so beat An­tho­ny, 11-2, 11-4, 11-6.

Car­razana topped Group Five with vic­to­ries over Guyana's Thu­ra­ia Thomas 11-4, 11-7, 11-4, and Bar­ba­di­an Krys­tle Har­vey by walkover.

The lo­cal men's duo of Wil­son and Dou­glas will both be in ac­tion in the round-of-32 main draw knock­out with first serve at 10 am, against St Lu­cian, Dawitt Nurse, and Bar­ba­di­an, Mar­cus Smith, re­spec­tive­ly.

This af­ter the 24-year-old Wil­son of Care­nage Blasters came up short in his open­ing match in Group Three against Cuban Jorge Cam­pos, 11-9, 7-11, 2-11, 11-8, 9-11, but re­cov­ered to beat Guyana’s Paul David 11-9, 11-6, 11-9 to fin­ish in the sec­ond spot in his three-play­er pool af­ter Cam­pos de­feat­ed David 12-10, 11-2, 11-4.

And his ri­val in the last-32, Nurse was beat­en by Hait­ian Dani­ka St Fleur 8-11, 6-11, 7-11 but had walkover vic­to­ries against Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic's Abit Te­ja­da and Guyana's Christo­pher Franklin in Group 11,

The USA-based 19-year-old Dou­glas, who at­tends Texas Wes­leyan Uni­ver­si­ty, lost his Group Six open­er against Cuban Adri­an Perez, 8-11, 9-11, 11-9, 4-11 and but sealed a main draw spot when he up­end­ed for­mer cham­pi­on, Trevor Far­ley of Bar­ba­dos 11-5, 11-9, 11-6 to end with a 1-1 pool record, af­ter Perez beat Far­ley, 10-12, 11-5, 11-8, and 11-8, in the oth­er match.

Bar­ba­di­an Smith went un­der to Guyana's She­mar Brit­ton, 8-11, 4-11, 6-11, but won against St Lu­cian Joshua Lu­bin 7-11, 11-5, 11-5, 11-8 to ad­vance.

T&T's oth­er en­trant in the men's com­pe­ti­tion, 33-year-old Yu­vraaj Dookram was beat­en 9-11, 6-11, 7-11 by Os­car Bir­riel of Puer­to Ri­co, and Guyana’s Jonathan Van Lange, 9-11, 7-11, 16-18.

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