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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Winter, Quamina and Aparicio lead list of T&T Carifta Qualifiers


Clayton Clarke
16 days ago

Reign­ing North Amer­i­can, Cen­tral Amer­i­can and Caribbean (NACAC) Girls Un­der-18 cham­pi­on Pey­ton Win­ter heads the list of lo­cal ath­letes who have at­tained the qual­i­fy­ing stan­dards for this year’s Carif­ta Track and Field Cham­pi­onships to be host­ed at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um, Mu­cu­rapo, Port-of-Spain from April 19-21.

Win­ter, who took the NACAC Girls U-18 shot put crown in San Jose, Cos­ta Ri­ca in 2023, has sur­passed the Carif­ta Girls U-20 shot put mark of 11.74 on four oc­ca­sions. The Burn­ley Club ath­lete first went over the bar­ri­er when she threw 13.05 me­tres in win­ning at the Gold­en League Grass, Ed­die Hart Ground, Tacarigua on De­cem­ber 12. Sec­ond-placed Adri­an­na Quam­i­na (D’Abadie Pro­gres­sive), with her 11.75 ef­fort, al­so threw be­yond the stan­dard.

Win­ter, the 2023/2024 Carif­ta Girls U-17 shot put sil­ver medal­list re­peat­ed her win at the Gold­en League Grass, Point Fortin-leg on Jan­u­ary 11 at the Ma­haica Sport­ing Com­plex with 12.84m. Quam­i­na again was sec­ond with 11.82 as both got the iron ball over the mark once again.

The San Juan South Sec­ondary Fourth For­mer con­tin­ued her win­ning form at the Na­tion­al As­so­ci­a­tion of Ath­let­ics Ad­min­is­tra­tions (NAAA) De­vel­op­ment Meet No 2 at Shaw Park on Feb­ru­ary 9 with a sea­son-best of 13.29m. Quam­i­na did not par­tic­i­pate but won with the Gold­en League Grass, Diego Mar­tin stop on Feb­ru­ary 22 with a mark of 12.27m and fol­lowed up with 11.74m to win at Mas­ters NAAA Meet No 2, a day lat­er at the Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um in Mara­bel­la. She beat out Win­ter (11.46m) for the top spot. Quam­i­na, the 2022 Carif­ta Girls U-17 dis­cus bronze medal­list has hit the 11.74m tar­get three times.

Aaron Apari­cio (Zenith) su­per­seded the Carif­ta Boys U-20 javelin stan­dard of 51.23m at three meets. He be­gan with a 54.06m tri­umph at Shaw Park on Jan­u­ary 26 and then 52.60m to take the top spot at the NAAA De­vel­op­ment Meet No 2. The Sig­nal Hill Sec­ondary stu­dent im­proved to 57.78m on the sec­ond day of the Quow, Stew­art, Bap­tiste, To­ba­go Sec­ondary Schools Re­gion­al Cham­pi­onships at the Dwight Yorke Sta­di­um, Ba­co­let on Feb­ru­ary 26. Theo Bruce (Scar­bor­ough Sec) was run­ner-up to Apari­cio with 53.40 to al­so go over the re­quired mark.

Apari­cio’s club-mate Ruth Irvine, Jaa­fari Shaw (Rss Phoenix) and Kai Fran­cis (Lam­beau Al­liance) have gone over the stan­dards in their events twice.

Irvine zipped be­yond the 39.21m mark in the Girls U-20 dis­cus. The 2023 NACAC Girls U-18 dis­cus sec­ond-placed fin­ish­er land­ed the dis­cus at 39.62m in win­ning on Jan­u­ary 26 and fol­lowed up with 39.39 to take gold on day two of To­ba­go Sec­ondary Schools Re­gion­al Cham­pi­onships.

Shaw was su­pe­ri­or to the Boys U-17 shot put 13.16m ask­ing dis­tance with 14.98 on Jan­u­ary 26 at Shaw Park and fol­lowed up with 13.57 on Feb­ru­ary 9.

Fran­cis is one of four qual­if­ers in the Boys U-17 dis­cus get­ting over the 35.08m re­quired dis­tance with 36.15m on Jan­u­ary 26 with sec­ond place Zenith’s Alexan­der Al­fred (35.12m) al­so at­tain­ing the mark. Fran­cis im­proved to 36.47m on Feb­ru­ary 9 with an­oth­er Zenith com­peti­tor D’An­dre Wal­lace (Zenith) 35.52m join­ing the list of those vy­ing for se­lec­tion.

Nykel Gomez (As­cend) al­so staked his claim for a spot on the Carif­ta team with 36.12m to win in Tacarigua on De­cem­ber 12.

Mul­ti­ple Carif­ta and NACAC U-18 medal­lists Keneisha Shel­bourne (Oa­sics), Akeya Gon­za­les (D’Abadie Pro­gres­sive), Tan­non Niemey­er (As­cend), Reyann Gra­ham (QRC) are al­so Carif­ta qual­i­fiers.

Shel­bourne leaped over the Girls U-20 triple jump mark­er (11.77) with 12.37 at Shaw Park on Feb­ru­ary 9. The four-time Carif­ta medal win­ner missed the long jump stan­dard (5.50m) with 5.43m.

Gon­za­les won the Girls U-17 javelin in Point Fortin on Jan­u­ary 11 with 27.52m to pass the 25.63m stan­dard. Niemey­er won the Boys U-17 javelin in Diego Mar­tin on Feb­ru­ary 22 with 47.40m sur­pass­ing the 45.62m dis­tance. Gra­ham cleared 1.58m in the Girls U-17 high jump at the Mas­ters NAAA Meet No 3 on Feb­ru­ary 23.

Omari Brown (Neon Wolves) heads the list of track qual­i­fiers. Brown is a dou­ble qual­i­fi­er in the Boys U-17 110m. He dipped un­der the 15.52-sec­ond stan­dard with 15.00 on Feb­ru­ary 9, fol­lowed by 14.18 on the first day of the Richards, Ce­de­nio, Borel South Cen­tral Re­gion­al Cham­pi­onships at the Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um on Feb­ru­ary 18.

The Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege, San Fer­nan­do stu­dent al­so zoomed un­der the 100m 10.99 run­ning 10.64 in Diego Mar­tin on Feb­ru­ary 22 along with sec­ond plac­er QRC’s Ter­rell Her­nan­dez (10.94).

Noe­mi Theodore (Phoenix), Alex Seep­er­sad (Phoenix), Ty­lon Whight (Mecury), Za­c­chus Charles (St Bene­dict’s), Jah­fari Far­rell (Pre­sen­ta­tion/San Fer­nan­do), Dar­ius and Hard­ing (CTS Col­lege) 21.49 are the oth­er track qual­i­fiers.

Theodore got un­der the 11.84 stan­dard for the Girls U-20 100m when she clocked 11.79 in Diego Mar­tin on Feb­ru­ary 22. Her club­mate Kioni De­venish (11.85) was a shade out­side of the stan­dard.

Seep­er­sad, al­so of Phoenix, blazed un­der the 22.26 Boys U-17 200m bar­ri­er with 21.49 in Diego Mar­tin. Mer­cury’s Whight joined Seep­er­sad with 22.06 on Feb­ru­ary 9.

Charles was 0.05 sec­onds quick­er than the U-20 100m (10.53) in his 10.58 vic­to­ry on the first day of the South Cen­tral Sec­ondary Schools Re­gion­al Cham­pi­onships.

Far­rell im­pressed in the Boys U-20 200m (21.74) with 21.65 while Hard­ing took care of the 16:55.49 Boys Open 5,000m time with 16:14.34.

List of lo­cal Carif­ta Track and Field Cham­pi­onships Qual­i­fiers

Gold­en League Grass, Ed­die Hart Ground, Tacarigua, Dec 12

U-17 Boys Dis­cus (35.08): Nykel Gomez (As­cend) 36.12

U-20 Girls Shot put (11.74): Pey­ton Win­ter (Burn­ley) 13.05, Adri­ana Quam­i­na (D’Abadie Prog ) 11.75 - Gold­en League Grass, Ma­haica Sport­ing Com­plex, Point Fortin, Jan 11

U-20 Girls Shot put (11.74): 1 Pey­ton Win­ter (Burn­ley) 12.84, 2 Adri­an­na Quam­i­na (D’Abadie) 11.82 - Gold­en League Ath­let­ics Grass Se­ries, Shaw Park Ground, Shaw Park, Jan 26


Boys Shot put (13.16): 1 Jaa­fari Shaw (Rss Phoenix) 14.98

Boys Dis­cus (35.08): 1 Kai Fran­cis (Lam­beau Al­liance) 36.15, 2 Alexan­der Al­fred (Zenith) 35.12


Girls Dis­cus (39.21): 1 Ruth Irvine (Zenith) 39.62

Boys Javelin (51.23): 1 Aaron Apari­co (Zenith) 54.06 - NAAA De­vel­op­ment Meet 2, Shaw Park, Scar­bor­ough Feb 9

U-17 Boys

200m (22.26): 1 Ty­lon Whight (Mecury) 22.06

Shot put (13.16): 1 Jaa­fari Shaw (Rss Phoenix) 13.57

Dis­cus (35.08): 1 Kai Fran­cis (Lam­beau Al­liance) 36.47, 2 D’An­dre Wal­lace (Zenith) 35.52

110m hur­dles (15.52): 1 Omari Brown (Neon Wolves) 15.00


Girls Shot put (11.74): 1 Pey­ton Win­ter (Burn­ley) 13.29

Boys Javelin (51.23): 1 Aaron Aparcio (Zenith) 52.60

Open Women Triple jump (11.77): 1 Keneisha Shel­bourne (Oa­sics) 12.37 - Richards, Ce­de­nio, Borel South Cen­tral Re­gion­al Champs, Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um, Mara­bel­la, Feb 18-19

U-17 Boys 110m hur­dles (15.52): 1 Omari Brown (Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege/San Fer­nan­do) 14.18

U-20 Boys 100m (10.58): 1 Za­c­chus Charles (St. Bene­dicts) 10.53

200m (21.74): 1 Jah­fari Far­rell (Pre­sen­ta­tiona/San Fer­nan­do) 21.65

5,000m (16.55.49): 1 Dar­ius Hard­ing (CTS Col­lege) 16:14.34 - Gold­en League Ath­let­ics Grass Se­ries, Diego Mar­tin Sports Com­plex, Feb 22

U-17 Boys

100m (10.99): 1 Omari Brown (Neon Wolves)10.64, 2 Ter­rell Her­nan­dez (QRC) 10.94

200m (22.26): 1 Alex Seep­er­sad (Phoenix) 21.49


Girls 100m (11.84): 1 Noe­mi Theodore (Phoenix) 11.79, 2 Kioni De­venish (Phoenix) 11.85

Shot put (11.74): 1 Adri­an­na Quam­i­na (D’Abadie) 12.27 - Mas­ters/NAAA De­vel­op­ment Meet 3, Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um, Mara­bel­la , Feb 23



High jump (1.55): 1 Reyann Gra­ham (QRC) 1.58 -Quow, Stew­art, Bap­tiste, To­ba­go Re­gion­al Cham­pi­onships, Dwight Yorke Sta­di­um, Ba­co­let

Feb 26-27

U-20 Girls Dis­cus (39.21): 1 Ruth Irvine (Scar Sec) 39.39

Boys Javelin (51.23): 1 Aaron Aparcio (Sig­nal Hill Sec) 57.78, 2 Theo Bruce (Scar­bor­ough Sec) 53.40

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