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Friday, March 28, 2025

Women’s Super50 Cup 2025: Cricket action returns to St Kitts


Sport Desk
37 days ago
Jamaica is the defending Super 50 Cup champion.

Jamaica is the defending Super 50 Cup champion.

ST JOHN’S, An­tigua – Crick­et West In­dies (CWI) has an­nounced the high­ly an­tic­i­pat­ed re­turn of the CG Unit­ed Women’s Su­per50 Cup, bring­ing top-tier re­gion­al women’s crick­et back to St Kitts. The tour­na­ment, set to show­case the Caribbean’s finest fe­male crick­eters, promis­es thrilling match­es and fierce com­pe­ti­tion as teams vie for glo­ry.

The 2025 edi­tion of the pres­ti­gious CG Unit­ed Su­per50 Cup will take place from Feb­ru­ary 24 to March 7, with match­es sched­uled dai­ly at 10 am across three pre­mier venues, the icon­ic Warn­er Park, the Cona­ree Crick­et Cen­tre, and the St Paul’s Sports Com­plex.

De­fend­ing cham­pi­ons Ja­maica will face stiff com­pe­ti­tion from a star-stud­ded line­up, in­clud­ing Bar­ba­dos, Trinidad & To­ba­go Red Force, Guyana, Wind­ward Is­lands, and hosts Lee­ward Is­lands. This year’s tour­na­ment holds spe­cial sig­nif­i­cance as it serves as a crit­i­cal prepa­ra­tion phase for the West In­dies Women’s team, who are gear­ing up for a land­mark year in in­ter­na­tion­al crick­et.

The event fol­lows the West In­dies Women’s re­cent dom­i­nant per­for­mances in both the ODI and T20I se­ries against Bangladesh, held in St Kitts last month. With an in­tense in­ter­na­tion­al cal­en­dar on the hori­zon, in­clud­ing the up­com­ing ODI World Cup, the Su­per50 Cup pro­vides an ide­al plat­form for play­ers to fine-tune their skills and stake their claim for na­tion­al se­lec­tion.

CWI Di­rec­tor of Crick­et, Miles Bas­combe, shared his en­thu­si­asm for the tour­na­ment. “We are thrilled to launch this year’s CG Unit­ed Women’s Su­per50 Cup. This tour­na­ment is not just about com­pe­ti­tion, it’s a cel­e­bra­tion of the re­mark­able progress we’ve made in women’s crick­et across the Caribbean. The tal­ent emerg­ing from every cor­ner of the re­gion is ex­tra­or­di­nary, and wit­ness­ing these play­ers in ac­tion is go­ing to be a treat for fans.”

Bas­combe added, “With in­ter­na­tion­al tours and the ODI World Cup on the hori­zon, there’s no bet­ter time to show­case the strength and depth of West In­dies women’s crick­et. We’re es­pe­cial­ly ex­cit­ed for the fans in St Kitts to ex­pe­ri­ence the ris­ing stars of Caribbean crick­et first­hand. The fu­ture of women’s crick­et in the re­gion has nev­er looked brighter.”


Round 1 – Feb­ru­ary 24

Wind­ward Is­lands vs Lee­ward Is­lands (St Paul’s)

Bar­ba­dos vs Guyana (Cona­ree)

Ja­maica vs Trinidad & To­ba­go (Warn­er Park)

Round 2 – Feb­ru­ary 26

Wind­ward Is­lands vs Bar­ba­dos (Warn­er Park)

Trinidad & To­ba­go vs Lee­ward Is­lands (Cona­ree)

Guyana vs Ja­maica (St Paul’s)

Round 3 – Feb­ru­ary 28

Trinidad & To­ba­go vs Wind­ward Is­lands (St Paul’s)

Lee­ward Is­lands vs Guyana (Warn­er Park)

Ja­maica vs Bar­ba­dos (Cona­ree)

Round 4 – March 3

Lee­ward Is­lands vs Ja­maica (Warn­er Park)

Bar­ba­dos vs Trinidad & To­ba­go (St Paul’s)

Guyana vs Wind­ward Is­lands (Cona­ree)

Round 5 – March 5

Guyana vs Trinidad & To­ba­go (Warn­er Park)

Wind­ward Is­lands vs Ja­maica (Cona­ree)

Bar­ba­dos vs Lee­ward Is­lands (St Paul’s)

Fi­nals Day – March 7

Cham­pi­onship Fi­nal: 1st vs 2nd (Warn­er Park)

3rd Place Play­off (Cona­ree)

5th Place Play­off (St Paul’s)

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