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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

You need to be better than yesterday


Brian Lewis
735 days ago
Brian Lewis Things That Matter Logo NEW

Brian Lewis Things That Matter Logo NEW

In my teenage years, I had a hot tem­per. I was quick with words and my fists. How­ev­er, over time life ex­pe­ri­ences in­grained the prac­tice of bring­ing calm to chaos, clar­i­ty to un­cer­tain­ty, en­cour­ag­ing rather than dis­cour­ag­ing, and con­fi­dence where there is doubt.

Work­ing with a team en­er­gis­es me. Help­ing peo­ple and or­gan­i­sa­tions chal­lenge, in­spires and mo­ti­vates me. Peo­ple I re­spect have of­fered the same ad­vice in­de­pen­dent­ly of each oth­er: "Why don't you con­sult with mul­ti­ple clients and share what you have learned about or­gan­i­sa­tion­al lead­er­ship? "

I had dis­missed the sug­ges­tions. Why? Sport has been a life­long pas­sion ever since I was a lit­tle boy grow­ing up in Bel­mont. Like all chil­dren, re­gard­less of if mum­my had mon­ey or not, the fo­cus wasn't so much on what we lacked and didn't have but all that mat­tered was play and fun.

While the teacher's re­ports in­di­cat­ing that Bri­an is too play­ful and needs to set­tle down would re­sult in the rit­u­al "cut tail" and banned from play­ing, the sting of the lash was soon for­got­ten. Play­ing and fun were al­ways a safe zone, be the play imag­i­nary or re­al.

Play and fun nev­er get old. Every sin­gle hu­man be­ing loves to play, laugh and have fun.

So for me, sport and any­thing in­volv­ing sport, has al­ways res­onat­ed with me as fun and joy.

As a re­sult sport vol­un­teerism is some­thing I have al­ways done. I de­vel­oped a habit of brav­ery. I don't re­call ever back­ing down from a chal­lenge on or off the field of play. There are sports that I have tried that the best I could have done was mediocre at best but those per­ceived fail­ures weren't de­void of en­joy­ment. I en­joyed learn­ing from fail­ures. It helps me de­vel­op re­silience and for­ti­tude.

The sug­ges­tion that I should share my knowl­edge, ex­per­tise, and phi­los­o­phy as a con­sul­tant didn't res­onate with me from the get-go but the con­tem­po­rary re­al­i­ty is that sport is a se­ri­ous and sig­nif­i­cant in­dus­try.

Sport in the 21st cen­tu­ry has moved past its ear­li­est his­to­ry - it is no longer a pas­time for aris­to­crats and the rich. Vol­un­teerism is on­ly but one el­e­ment of con­tem­po­rary sport just as the com­mer­cial as­pect of sport is an im­por­tant el­e­ment. It's no longer ei­ther, or.

Life is a se­ries of risks. I al­ways en­cour­age peo­ple to go brave. I have four decades of ex­pe­ri­ence in sales, mar­ket­ing, brand­ing, strat­e­gy, man­age­ment and lead­er­ship.

The best lead­ers learn to think clear­ly and quick­ly and de­ter­mine which risks are worth tak­ing. The biggest hur­dle to de­vel­op­ing a habit of brav­ery is fear.

Every leader faces dif­fi­cul­ties, ob­sta­cles and chal­lenges. Lead­ers are af­ter all hu­man be­ings. That they are in lead­er­ship po­si­tions doesn't change that re­al­i­ty. The dif­fer­ence mak­er in get­ting un­stuck is brav­ery.

Since hand­ing over the ba­ton of lead­er­ship of the T&T Olympic Com­mit­tee (TTOC) and T&T Com­mon­wealth Games As­so­ci­a­tion (TTC­GA) and Caribbean As­so­ci­a­tion of Na­tion­al Olympic Com­mit­tees (CANOC), I have had a num­ber of op­por­tu­ni­ties to con­sult and to give ad­vice that I have turned down be­cause I didn't want to ap­pear to be un­der­min­ing my suc­ces­sors.

Brav­ery is the abil­i­ty to do some­thing that fright­ens you.

Brav­ery is not the ab­sence of fear but rather the com­mit­ment to face fear head-on and even­tu­al­ly over­come it.

Brav­ery is what gives you the con­fi­dence to con­quer your in­ner­most fears and anx­i­eties and to re­sist run­ning away from the things that make you afraid.

Brav­ery is a life­long habit that if you want to achieve ex­cel­lence in any­thing you must pur­sue.

For­tune it is said favours the brave. Life be­gins at the end of your com­fort zone. As a leader em­brac­ing un­cer­tain­ty is part of your job de­scrip­tion.

"Ed­u­ca­tion is your pass­port to the fu­ture, for to­mor­row be­longs to the peo­ple who pre­pare for it to­day." – El-Ha­jj Ma­lik El- Shabazz (Mal­colm X)

Ed­u­ca­tion is not lim­it­ed to the class­room. Ed­u­ca­tion is your abil­i­ty to use what you have learned to be bet­ter to­day than you were yes­ter­day.

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