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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Youth, experience make up provisional Golden Jaguars squad ahead of Gold Cup qualifiers


Sport Desk
7 days ago
Guyana's Golden Jaguars name provisional squad for Gold Cup qualifiers versus Guatemala.

Guyana's Golden Jaguars name provisional squad for Gold Cup qualifiers versus Guatemala.

GEORGE­TOWN -The Guyana Foot­ball Fed­er­a­tion (GFF) has of­fi­cial­ly re­vealed the pro­vi­sion­al squad and coach­ing staff for the Gold­en Jaguars, Guyana’s se­nior men’s na­tion­al team, as they gear up for the up­com­ing CON­CA­CAF Gold Cup qual­i­fiers.

The an­nounce­ment on Thurs­day evening high­lights a blend of sea­soned play­ers and ris­ing stars who will com­pete for a spot in the fi­nal ros­ter.

Head coach Wayne Dover will be as­sist­ed by Mar­co Bonofiglio and Sam Cox, with the trio over­see­ing the team’s prepa­ra­tions as they aim to se­cure a place in the pres­ti­gious Gold Cup tour­na­ment.

The pro­vi­sion­al squad fea­tures a wide ar­ray of tal­ent across all po­si­tions. The goal­keep­ing de­part­ment in­cludes Quil­lan Roberts, Kai McKen­zie-Lyle, Akel Clarke, Sese Norville, Ja­maine Cum­ber­batch, and Joshua Nar­ine. In at­tack, the for­wards named are Isa­iah Jones, Enoch George, Os­aze DeRosario, Omari Glas­gow, Mor­gan Fer­ri­er, Abu­muchi Ben­jamin, Liam Butts, De­on Moore, Mar­cus Tu­dor, Neron Bar­row, and Stephen Mc­Don­ald.

The mid­field boasts a mix of cre­ativ­i­ty and grit, with play­ers such as Mal­com Mig­gins, Chris Macey, Kadell Daniels, Nathan Fer­gu­son, Maliq Cado­gan, Nathan Mo­ri­ah-Welsh, El­liot Bonds, Stephen Duke-Mcken­na, Kelsey Ben­jamin, Curtez Kell­man, Daniel Wil­son, Ryan Hack­ett, and Dar­ron Niles.

De­fen­sive­ly, the squad is an­chored by Reiss Greenidge, Liam Gor­don, Jalen Jones, Ter­ence Van­cooten, Terique Mo­hammed, Je­re­my Gar­rett, Leo Lovell, Col­in Nel­son, Ro­maine Brack­en­ridge, Kvist Paul, Raushan Ritch, Kevin Layne, Do­minique Bobb, Sealon Sue, Cedric Os­borne, Mar­cus Wil­son, and Shakem Wel­come.

The Gold­en Jaguars are set to face Guatemala in a home-and-away se­ries lat­er this month. The first leg, des­ig­nat­ed as Guyana’s “home game,” will take place at the Bar­ba­dos Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion’s Tech­ni­cal Cen­ter in St. Michael on March 21. The team will then trav­el to Guatemala for the re­turn match on March 25.


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