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Friday, March 14, 2025

Tecia's killing–year's most heart-rending



Out of the 507 re­port­ed mur­ders for 2009, the killing of a ten-year-old Laven­tille girl, has been de­scribed a the most "heart-rend­ing" homi­cide for the year. The in­ci­dent was al­so con­demned by Prime Min­is­ter Patrick Man­ning. Many would re­call the morn­ing of June 17, when the bloat­ed body of Tecia Hen­ry was found stuffed in a hole, un­der a house, a stone's throw away from her Es­sex Street, John John, home. Hen­ry had gone miss­ing three days ear­li­er, af­ter her moth­er, Di­anne, sent her to make a pur­chase at a near­by shop.

For days, vil­lagers searched the area for the child, but to no avail.

In­censed over the ghast­ly mur­der, hun­dreds of John John res­i­dents crossed "en­e­my ter­ri­to­ry" and sur­round­ed sev­er­al apart­ments at Block Eight, de­mand­ing that her al­leged killer, Ri­car­do "Docs" Mc­Carthy, come out­side and face the an­gry mob. With­in min­utes, Mc­Carthy end­ed up in the hands of res­i­dents, who broke down the door to his apart­ment. He was bad­ly beat­en and had to be res­cued by po­lice. Tecia's killing was the on­ly homi­cide scene which at­tract­ed more than 200 law en­force­ment of­fi­cers.

As Mc­Carthy was led away in hand­cuffs, he shout­ed: "Is not me; is not me." Af­ter he was re­leased from po­lice cus­tody, Mc­Carthy nev­er re­turned to John John. In­stead, he de­cid­ed to hide out at a house on Belle Vue Road, Long Cir­cu­lar, St James. On Ju­ly 5, Mc­Carthy was found shot to death in a track lead­ing to­wards his house of refuge. He was nev­er charged with Tecia's killing, be­cause of a lack of ev­i­dence, and his killing re­mains un­solved, so far.

Of­fi­cers ex­am­ine the crime scene out­side La Ca­bana Club in Curepe af­ter the Sep­tem­ber 13, shoot­ing that left five dead.

Five one time

On the morn­ing of Sep­tem­ber 13, five men at­tend­ing a birth­night par­ty at La Ca­bana Club in Ec­cles Trace, Knowles Street, Curepe, were shot dead by two gun­men. Their killing was the biggest to­tal in a sin­gle shoot­ing in­ci­dent for 2009. The vic­tims were Ray James, 23, of Jack­son Street in Curepe and Poin­set­tia Road, Ma­coya; Damien Pun­nette, 24, of Knowles Street in Curepe; Ha­keem Vick­les, 17, of Bell-Smythe Street, al­so in Curepe; Keron Charles, 24, of Arnos Vale Road in Mo­ri­ah, To­ba­go, and Glen Mor­ris, 26, of Bertie Road in Five Rivers, Arou­ca.

In that in­ci­dent, close to 60 oth­er per­sons at the par­ty had to scam­per for safe­ty, as gun­shots rang out. Ker­win Par­ris, 21, and Gri­ma Se­lassie, 16, both of Arou­ca, were al­so wound­ed in the in­ci­dent. Po­lice mount­ed a na­tion­wide hunt for two sus­pects, Ty­ron Randy Brown, aka "T" and "Spoon," and Hamza Lovell Fri­day, mem­bers of a gang known as "The Pa­parazzi". Both men were shot dead dur­ing an al­leged ex­change of gun­fire with po­lice of the North-East­ern Di­vi­sion Task Force at a house on Sawmill Av­enue, Barataria, four days lat­er.

Act­ing Po­lice Com­mis­sion­er James Philbert said Brown was want­ed in con­nec­tion with close to 20 homi­cides along the East-West Cor­ri­dor.

Po­lice quick­ly solved the Curepe killings af­ter the sus­pects were pos­i­tive­ly iden­ti­fied by wit­ness­es, at the Foren­sic Sci­ences Cen­tre, as the men who shot and killed the vic­tims. The La Ca­bana killings, po­lice said, ap­peared to be a reprisal for an at­tack on a 21-year-old man, who was se­vere­ly chopped while lim­ing at a bar on Watts Street in Curepe. James, of­fi­cers said, was the gun­men's tar­get af­ter he was iden­ti­fied as one of the sus­pects in­volved in the chop­ping.

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