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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Super Cat takes spotlight at reggae show



Ja­maican dance­hall leg­end Su­per Cat was the head­line act at Reg­gae on The Bay 3 at the O2 Park on May 4.

The event which is draw­ing larg­er and larg­er au­di­ences every year al­so fea­tured British reg­gae croon­er Maxi Priest and reg­gae band Mid­nite from the Vir­gin Is­lands.

Su­per Cat, whose re­al name is William Maragh took fans on a mu­si­cal jour­ney as he sang some of his pop­u­lar hits in­clud­ing Si Boops Deh, Don Da­da, Ghet­to Red Hot and Dol­ly My Ba­by.

Maxi Priest, who is no stranger to T&T au­di­ences, al­so made his fans hap­py with some of his clas­sics, in­clud­ing Close to You. Reg­gae on the Bay 3 al­so fea­tured some of T&T up­com­ing dance­hall acts like Bucha, Kushite, Jah De­fend­er and the Mys­tic El­e­ment Band.

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