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Saturday, March 29, 2025

Guardian An­gel

Cable runaround resolved



Each week, the Guardian An­gel col­umn high­lights com­plaints sent in by you, the con­sumer, and pro­vides so­lu­tions or di­rects you to the ap­pro­pri­ate re­source.

Prob­lem: Joan Cour­nand of Diego Mar­tin said, "Af­ter about two months' con­stant in­vi­ta­tion, I de­cid­ed to ac­cept an of­fer from Blink En­ter­tain­ment."The pack­age in­clud­ed ca­ble ser­vices, up­grade of in­ter­net ser­vice, un­lim­it­ed calls to land­lines, as well as oth­er ser­vices. I gave my ID num­ber, my pass­port num­ber to Gene­cia Ram­lal in the month of June, ex­pect­ing to be hooked up in Ju­ly."

But, Ms Cour­nand said, "Since then I ter­mi­nat­ed the pre­vi­ous ca­ble ser­vice I had. Every time I call I get the runaround. Kind­ly in­ves­ti­gate this for me to find out what is the prob­lem. As I an­tic­i­pate your find­ings I do so with­out any ca­ble ser­vice."

So­lu­tion: TSTT ex­plained that there was an is­sue with the band­width need­ed to pro­vide Ms Cour­nand with the ca­ble ser­vice, which has since been re­solved. In three to five days some­one should be con­tact­ing her to sched­ule an ap­point­ment to in­stall the ca­ble as­pect of her pack­age.

Prob­lem: Si­ta Bal­roop lives in Moru­ga with her two chil­dren. Her hus­band died of a heart at­tack three years ago, mak­ing it dif­fi­cult for her to raise her chil­dren by her­self, as she works with Cepep.Her ten-year-old daugh­ter Ran­jana, who was born deaf, at­tends Dretchi (Di­ag­nos­tic Re­search and Ther­a­peu­tic Cen­tre for the Hear­ing Im­paired) in Port-of-Spain month­ly to re­ceive speech ther­a­py.In No­vem­ber 2013, Dretchi took Ran­jana's hear­ing aid to send it to Cana­da for ser­vice. Ms Bal­roop said since then her daugh­ter has been with­out it.

So­lu­tion: Al­marie Jacque, the clin­i­cal di­rec­tor/co-or­di­na­tor and act­ing ex­ec­u­tive of­fi­cer at Dretchi, said Ms Bal­roop's daugh­ter has two hear­ing aids and does have one at present.Ms Jacque said the hear­ing aid that was sent to Cana­da has since been ser­viced and was re­turned to Trinidad, but it needs to be re­pro­grammed. It should be ready in time for the re­open­ing of school in Sep­tem­ber.

Ms Jacque said as a non-gov­ern­men­tal or­gan­i­sa­tion (NGO), Dretchi de­pends on the gen­eros­i­ty of oth­ers and gov­ern­ment sub­ven­tions, and as a re­sult is ex­pe­ri­enc­ing dif­fi­cul­ty in get­ting some­one who can re­pro­gramme the hear­ing aid.

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