Trinidadian pop singer Richie Luna is being featured on the cable music channel MTV 2 with his song Celebrate (The Call To Light).
The video was posted on the MTV Web site on Monday and has been shared via social networks Twitter and Facebook more than 6,000 times so far.
Luna is the alter ego of Richie Sabga, a musician and entrepreneur who started his road-lights company Luna Road in 2008, and his musical career in 2010 as popstar-cum-superhero Richie Luna.
Sabga said in an interview in July that the idea for the Richie Luna character was developed over a three or four-year period.
"The original idea started off as a movie script, however, given my innate love and passion for music, I decided to tell the story of Richie Luna through writing songs and equivalent music videos. Each song and video representing a unique chapter of his story," he said.
The character himself is a superhero with the power to generate moonlight energy, using it to bring light and love to a depressed world.
The video started getting international attention when it debuted on the Yahoo Music and Vevo sites on June 26. It was produced by Alan Ferreira and Nigel Celestine with cinematography by Ronald Lee. Some of the scenes feature Port-of-Spain as the backdrop and there is an appearance by masman Peter Minshall who plays one of the mid-level villains.
�2 To see Richie Luna's video, visit