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Saturday, March 15, 2025

McDonald's set to open in south Trinidad



Con­struc­tion is un­der­way for Mc­Don­ald's newest restau­rant on Dum­fries Road in La Ro­maine.Ar­cos Do­ra­dos, the fran­chisee for Mc­Don­ald's restau­rants in Latin Amer­i­ca and the Caribbean, will open its fourth restau­rant in T&T in the next few weeks, cre­at­ing 100 more jobs.The com­pa­ny said there were still op­por­tu­ni­ties avail­able for new man­agers and crew mem­bers for the new restau­rant.Since 2011, when Ar­cos Do­ra­dos opened three Mc­Don­ald's restau­rants in T&T, many em­ploy­ees have grown in their ca­reers and have been pro­mot­ed."Ar­cos Do­ra­dos has al­lowed me to ap­ply my skills and knowl­edge of the mar­ket to en­hance Mc­Don­ald's op­er­a­tions, sat­is­fy our cus­tomers and play a pos­i­tive role in our so­ci­ety", said Jameela Mo­hammed-Ali, who joined the com­pa­ny in 2011 as coun­try pur­chas­ing man­ag­er and is cur­rent­ly the com­pa­ny's mar­ket man­ag­er for T&T.

Ranked by the Great Place to Work In­sti­tute as a top em­ploy­er in Latin Amer­i­ca, Ar­cos Do­ra­dos of­fers its em­ploy­ees flex­i­ble work­ing hours, train­ing, op­por­tu­ni­ties for pro­fes­sion­al and per­son­al growth, and a warm and friend­ly work en­vi­ron­ment.It is an es­pe­cial­ly good op­por­tu­ni­ty for first-time, stu­dent and oth­er job seek­ers with time com­mit­ments.Ar­cos Do­ra­dos has es­tab­lished a rep­u­ta­tion in its more than 20 mar­kets as a lead­ing em­ploy­er, pro­vid­ing both job op­por­tu­ni­ties and op­tions for growth and de­vel­op­ment with­in the or­gan­i­sa­tion.With 90,000 em­ploy­ees, it is recog­nised as one of the best com­pa­nies to work for Latin Amer­i­ca and one of the lead­ing em­ploy­ers of young, first-time job hold­ers.

Ac­cord­ing to Latin Busi­ness Chron­i­cle, Ar­cos Do­ra­dos is the re­gion's 9th largest em­ploy­er as of 2010.Mc­Don­ald's in South will have all the fea­tures that cus­tomers through­out T&T have grown ac­cus­tomed to from the Grand Bazaar, The Falls at West Mall and Cipri­ani Boule­vard restau­rants. These in­clude Au­toMac, Mc­Don­ald's easy and con­ve­nient dri­ve thru ser­vice, and Play­Place, a safe and fun ac­tiv­i­ty en­vi­ron­ment for chil­dren."We are very ex­cit­ed to bring this new restau­rant to the peo­ple of south. Con­struc­tion work is pro­gress­ing smooth­ly and soon we hope to of­fer the ex­cep­tion­al din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence and fresh em­ploy­ment op­por­tu­ni­ties to this vi­brant re­gion with­in T&T," said Mo­hammed-Ali."This new restau­rant is yet an­oth­er sym­bol of Ar­cos Do­ra­dos' deep com­mit­ment to this mar­ket", she added.Mc­Don­ald's south restau­rant is sched­uled to open in a few weeks.

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