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Sunday, March 9, 2025

Alvin Daniell loses wife to cancer



Di­anne Daniell, wife of com­pos­er, mu­si­cian and tele­vi­sion pre­sen­ter, Alvin Daniell, passed away yes­ter­day morn­ing af­ter bat­tling with breast can­cer for over a year. Ac­cord­ing to Daniell, his wife re­ceived a clean bill of health as of Jan­u­ary 2012 and was seen over the Car­ni­val sea­son hap­py and bub­bly. How­ev­er, three weeks ago, she be­gan to com­plain of ex­haus­tion and tests were con­duct­ed, both lo­cal­ly and abroad, af­ter which Daniell was in­formed that the can­cer had now spread to the rest of her body.

The Daniell fam­i­ly were hope­ful this week as she had not com­plained about se­vere pain but she was rushed to the West­shore health fa­cil­i­ty on Fri­day night and she passed away yes­ter­day morn­ing. Fu­ner­al arrange­ments are ten­ta­tive­ly card­ed for Thurs­day at All Saints An­gli­can Church on Mar­li Street.

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