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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Swift leads Soca Princesses in St Kitts/Nevis



So­ca Princess­es mid­field­er Vic­to­ria Swift will deputise as cap­tain in the ab­sence of sus­pend­ed Anique Walk­er when the na­tion­al Un­der-17s take on St Kitts/Nevis in their penul­ti­mate Caribbean Foot­ball Union Group B qual­i­fiers to­mor­row. The So­ca Princess­es, who left here yes­ter­day go in­to the match at Warn­er Park Sport­ing Com­plex, Bas­seterre, from 6pm need­ing on­ly a draw to ad­vance to the four-team fi­nal round CFU qual­i­fi­ca­tion se­ries. Walk­er miss­es the match af­ter she picked up a red card in T&T's 5-0 away win over Do­mini­ca ear­li­er this month.

In the first meet­ing be­tween both teams, the So­ca Princess­es stormed to a 13-0 win at the Lar­ry Gomes Sta­di­um, Mal­abar led by a beaver-trick from strik­er Kha­didra Debe­sette. The Do­mini­cans, mean­while, re­bound­ed with two wins over St Kitts/Nevis re­cent­ly to join T&T on six points. How­ev­er, the So­ca Princess­es have a su­pe­ri­or goal-dif­fer­ence and on­ly need to draw from one of their two match­es re­main­ing match­es to reach the next stage. On Wednes­day, Do­mini­ca reg­is­tered a 2-0 win away to St Kitts/Nevis at Warn­er Park while three days ear­li­er it won 5-0. T&T is seek­ing to qual­i­fy for its sec­ond straight FI­FA Un­der-17 Women's World Cup hav­ing host­ed the 2010 edi­tion.

T&T Un­der-17 women's train­ing squad: She­niece David, Shantel Chris­t­ian, Marlique As­son, Ade­ka Spence, Abi­gail Ja­cob, Corin­na Se­quea, Toni­et­ta Phillip, Olivia Jag­ger­nauth, Vic­to­ria Swift (cap­tain), Kha­didra Debe­sette, Marie Guis­sepi, Shenice Gar­cia, Dar­i­an Di­az, Naomie Guer­ra, Khadisha Debe­sette (vice-cap­tain), Zoe Swift, Jonelle War­rick, Shene­sa Came­jo.


Teams P W D L F A Pts

T&T 2 2 0 0 18 0 6

Do­mini­ca 4 2 0 2 7 18 6

St Kitts/Nevis 2 0 0 2 0 7 0

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