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Friday, March 28, 2025

Critical issues for SIDS at COP29


Guardain Media Limited
136 days ago

Cli­mate diplo­ma­cy is fac­ing one of its sternest tests at the 29th meet­ing of the Con­fer­ence of the Par­ties (COP) to the UN Frame­work Con­ven­tion on Cli­mate Change (COP29), cur­rent­ly tak­ing place in Baku, Azer­bai­jan.

Del­e­gates from near­ly 200 coun­tries, in­clud­ing T&T, have as­sem­bled for the an­nu­al sum­mit on cli­mate change at a time when its cen­tre­piece, the land­mark Paris Agree­ment, is se­vere­ly at risk.

The im­pli­ca­tions for Small Is­land De­vel­op­ing States (SIDS) like ours could not be more dire. COP aims to curb glob­al warm­ing be­low 1.5°C to avoid cat­a­stroph­ic harm to the plan­et, but the world re­mains on track to ex­ceed 3°C by the end of this cen­tu­ry.

The cli­mate alarms are get­ting loud­er and more fre­quent. The lat­est State of the Cli­mate re­port—re­leased in a year that is set to be the first above 1.5 de­grees of warm­ing—warns that 'the fu­ture of hu­man­i­ty hangs in the bal­ance' and calls for more ur­gent phas­ing out of fos­sil fu­els. Every tenth of a de­gree of warm­ing brings on much more ex­treme weath­er.

For SIDS in the Caribbean, the Pa­cif­ic, the In­di­an Ocean, and the South Chi­na Sea, that means an in­creased risk of cat­a­stroph­ic coastal and in­land flood­ing brought on by high­er mag­ni­tude rain­fall, ex­treme wave height, storm surges, and sea lev­el rise.

The threat re­mains high even if glob­al warm­ing is lim­it­ed to 1.5⁰C, as it is es­ti­mat­ed that more than a fifth of SIDS pop­u­la­tions will still be ex­posed to flood­ing.

Fund­ing to build cli­mate re­silience is there­fore a crit­i­cal re­quire­ment for T&T and oth­er SIDS and is a key agen­da item at COP29. It is es­ti­mat­ed that our group of na­tions needs around $1 tril­lion a year and $2.4 tril­lion by 2030 to meet cli­mate fi­nance needs. How much mon­ey de­vel­oped na­tions will pro­vide and who should pro­vide cli­mate fi­nance re­mains a con­tentious is­sue.

Even if new glob­al com­mit­ments are made at COP29 to sig­nif­i­cant­ly re­duce car­bon emis­sions, en­sur­ing they are backed up by ac­tion to mit­i­gate po­ten­tial loss and dam­age in SIDS re­mains a ma­jor chal­lenge. COP29 is tak­ing place just ahead of a Feb­ru­ary 2025 dead­line for na­tions to pro­vide up­dates on the Na­tion­al­ly De­ter­mined Con­tri­bu­tions (ND­Cs) that are at the heart of the Paris Agree­ment’s goal of curb­ing the rise in glob­al tem­per­a­tures.

How­ev­er, so far the tar­get of con­tain­ing heat­ing to 1.5°C has not been met and may have be­come more dif­fi­cult to achieve. The re-elec­tion of Don­ald Trump is like­ly to re­duce the US’s car­bon-cut­ting com­mit­ments to ze­ro, as he had pledged dur­ing his cam­paign to ex­it the Paris Cli­mate Agree­ment. This could have huge im­pli­ca­tions for any agree­ments reached at COP 29, as the US is the world’s sec­ond-largest emit­ter of green­house gas­es. There is con­cern that a US with­draw­al from the pact could in­flu­ence oth­er high-emit­ting na­tions to de­pri­or­i­tize their emis­sions re­duc­tions.

Un­for­tu­nate­ly, the worst con­se­quences will be felt by the na­tions that con­tribute the least to green­house gas emis­sions—SIDS.

That is why these voic­es need to be heard over the next few days as crit­i­cal de­ci­sions are tabled at the cli­mate sum­mit. De­layed or wa­tered-down agree­ments, par­tic­u­lar­ly on all-im­por­tant is­sues of fund­ing, will hurt the coun­tries fac­ing the biggest threats from cli­mate change. 

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