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Friday, March 28, 2025

Goodbye to three renowned sportsmen


35 days ago

Of­ten it’s the case that our na­tion, Trinidad and To­ba­go, is made known in­ter­na­tion­al­ly by our sports achiev­ers, men and women. Three such men, af­ter long and faith­ful ser­vice to the coun­try of their birth, have left us. How­ev­er, their deeds, lo­cal­ly, re­gion­al­ly and on the in­ter­na­tion­al sport­ing fields and tracks, linger with us as mem­o­ries of those sev­er­al oc­ca­sions when the red, white and black was lift­ed in recog­ni­tion of their ef­forts.

Kent Bernard, Richard Nieves and An­tho­ny Jame­son have re­cent­ly waved good­bye but their deeds linger.

In the in­stance of Bernard, by some mir­a­cle or quirk of fate, he re­port­ed­ly passed hours af­ter re­turn­ing home on his usu­al pil­grim­age to ex­pe­ri­ence life in his home­land’s an­nu­al Car­ni­val. More­over, it’s usu­al­ly an oc­ca­sion when that great Olympic 4x400 me­tres re­lay team which brought bronze to the coun­try at the 1964 Tokyo Olympic Games get to­geth­er to rem­i­nisce and “bus ah lime.”

The team per­formed a feat of near equal im­por­tance when they won gold in the 4x440 yards event at the 1966 Com­mon­wealth Games in Kingston, Ja­maica. It’s a record that is like­ly to stand in­to eter­ni­ty, as the event has been changed to the 4x400 me­tres.

At an­oth­er lev­el, An­tho­ny Jame­son, a quite ca­pa­ble lawn ten­nis play­er, out­stand­ing coach, um­pire and ref­er­ee, who of­fi­ci­at­ed as an um­pire at two of the four Grand Slam tour­na­ments, Wim­ble­don and the US Open, did the re­verse to Bernard - died while on va­ca­tion in the US.

Jame­son emerged from his base at the Port-of-Spain Pub­lic Ten­nis Courts as a play­er of some note in lo­cal tour­na­ments and as a coach of hun­dreds of young play­ers at the courts and across the coun­try em­ployed by the Min­istry of Sport. Of equal im­por­tance has been his role in the for­ma­tion and de­vel­op­ment of the lo­cal Ten­nis Um­pires’ As­so­ci­a­tion. He and his col­leagues spread se­mi-pro­fes­sion­al ten­nis um­pir­ing across the Eng­lish, French and Span­ish Caribbean and he did so with­out too much fan­fare.

Foot­ball fans of the 1960s must sure­ly re­mem­ber the dy­nam­ic cen­tre for­ward Richard “Quick Sil­ver” Nieves, run­ning, pen­e­trat­ing de­fences and hit­ting that heavy leather ball past many a goal­keep­er for his col­lege team, St Mary’s Col­lege, his club Sham­rock, for North Trinidad in the North-South high ri­val­ry Red Cross Games of the pe­ri­od and for T&T. Nieves, who came from a sport­ing fam­i­ly, al­so starred in hock­ey, play­ing for Queen’s Park Crick­et Club and for T&T. He was the star for­ward in the T&T hock­ey team which won sil­ver in hock­ey at the 1967 Pan Am Games in Win­nipeg, Cana­da. When he re­tired, Nieves turned to coach­ing young hock­ey play­ers.

Nieves left us re­cent­ly but his rep­u­ta­tion and deeds will linger for a long while by those who saw him play both foot­ball and hock­ey.

In the midst of all of the “tri­als and tribu­la­tions” of our times, it is im­per­a­tive that for those who know of the ef­forts of these great sports­men/or­gan­is­ers/ad­min­is­tra­tors, to as­sist those who came af­ter they left the sport­ing fields to know that we can take re­flec­tive pride in the ef­forts of our coun­try­men to say thanks to their mem­o­ry and their un­flinch­ing ef­forts for Team T&T.

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