Trinidad Carnival, described by Kandi King as “the Mecca of all Carnivals,” can be found perfectly placed at the cultural intersection of beautiful fashions, intricate designs, deep-rooted histories, and powerful music. Although this festival has inspired many international carnivals across the globe, it has yet to find its footing in television media, until now. “Carnival Catwalk”, which premièred on January 9, 2025, is a new reality fashion competition show that brings all the elements of Carnival together, headlined with cutting-edge Caribbean fashion, being broadcast on Flow across the region, CNC3 and TVJ (in Jamaica).
Kandi King, a business owner, a long-time lover of Carnival, and a seasoned, charismatic media professional who co-hosts the show, sits with Guardian Media to reflect on her journey as one of the standout women in the Carnival industry.
“One of my earliest memories of Carnival in Jamaica was seeing my parents play mas here. Everything looked so exciting as a child, so fun.”
King, born and raised in Kingston, Jamaica, knew that as soon as she was “of age,” her first priority would be not only to get on the road to play mas in Jamaica but also somehow find her way to Trinidad.
When she began working her first corporate job, King prioritised putting money aside and touched down in Trinidad Carnival in 2012, ready to have what she would remember as “the time of my life.”
The following year, she became the unofficial liaison for Trinidad Carnival as many people, both regionally and internationally, asked for her help to plan their Trinidad Carnival experience. Ever entrepreneurially minded, King knew that the next step was to translate her unofficial Carnival liaison role into a full-blown concierge business, which she debuted the following year, providing clients with fete tickets, costumes, accommodation, and transportation.
She intended for the business to provide a supplementary income as she still was employed in a corporate job, but she was subsequently made redundant and took the opportunity to step bravely into the Carnival industry full-time. In 2016, King formed a Carnival band in Jamaica, and after two years fully integrated into Carnival, she birthed her landmark product, stocKINGS by Kandi.
At the core of all her roles, King is an innovator. The problem of the unsightly stockings hoisted well above the band of the Carnival costume bottom piece unnerved her, and she formulated an innovative solution—the V-Kut Stocking. The V-Kut StocKING transformed the Carnival experience for women regionally and globally, addressing a qualm often faced by the contemporary masquerader. The traditional stocking band obstructed the full beauty and intricacy of today’s costumes and Monday wear, but King’s adaptation of the traditional stocking with a V cut in both the front and the back offered women enhanced comfort and style while masquerading. Demonstrating her keen business sensibilities, she sought an industrial design protection on her stocking so that it would not be replicated.
In 2024, King took on yet another challenge of the female masquerader—having to remove stockings to use the bathroom—with her lauded, well-received creation, the P-Kut Stocking, which has an adaptation that allows women comfort and convenience.
“The idea for the stockings completely changed the trajectory of my life,” she muses. “Being a band leader was glamorous but extremely demanding, labour-intensive, and came with financial constraints.” After her development of the V-Kut stocking, she has continued to design accessories such as the Knipsies under her brand Karnival by Kandi, all with the intention of allowing women to feel and look their best on the road.
This is King’s purpose and what she hopes to be her legacy. Her mission is not to change any of the core tenets of Carnival but to harness her creativity to continue to pioneer new solutions that enhance women’s Carnival experience. In 2023, she was invited to be a host of Carnival Catwalk by entertainer Jerome “Rome” Precilla, producer of the show.
“I always knew that if I wasn’t pursuing Carnival, I would pursue media,” she says, as a former host on various television shows. As her Carnival career took off, however, she put media on the back burner, but when asked to host the show, she knew it was the perfect opportunity to marry her two professional passions. King spent five weeks in September 2023 filming in Trinidad, “finally able to witness soca, Carnival, and design coming together on the big screen.”
Sometimes plagued by the thought of being considered an outsider, as a Jamaican, she reflects on how lovingly she was welcomed into the production, saying, “Everyone who was a part of the project treated me like royalty. I felt so happy to be part of it.”
Now that the show has premièred, she hopes that everyone can watch and enjoy it and learn more—as she did—about the culture and history of Carnival. “It’s so deep-rooted; the world will get to see that it’s not just bikinis and beads. It’s a cultural exploration, and each episode taps into a different aspect of Carnival.
I can’t wait for people across the region and internationally to get an insight into the experience that is Trinidad Carnival.” She resists the notion that there should be no competition or friction over various carnivals in the region, as they all have their unique appeal, and sees the show as an opportunity to “stand united and bring Carnival in all its excitement and liberation to the forefront.”
King is now the head of marketing for the Carnival band Xodus in Jamaica, and as she continues to add to her achievements, one might wonder how she balances her work, business, and being the mother to a beautiful and lively four-year-old daughter. “There’s no balancing,” she laughs. “I’m not afraid to say this. When one thing thrives, the other thing doesn’t; that’s the nature of how it goes.” Although she is a present and intentional mother, she also does not hesitate to rely on her village, including her husband of four years and her parents, who are active grandparents in her daughter’s life.
“I’ve been in this Carnival industry for so long; now with Carnival Catwalk, I get to scream and shout about my love for Carnival.” Having fully embraced not only the euphoria of the road experience but also the backend of hard work, organisation, and preparation, Kandi King is a true connoisseur in the regional Carnival scene.
Her passion and tireless efforts have continued to underpin the evolution of the Carnival experience, and her innovations create waves of impact for masqueraders on the road.