My wish today is that everyone will be happy for Christmas. For whatever reason. Find a reason. For some, happiness comes with material things. For others, it is to be with the right people—family, good friends. For yet others, it is a feeling, a spirit—something intangible.
If you are Christian, what might be most important to you, is how meaningfully significant the life of Jesus Christ has been to the world.
Here was a baby born in a cow shed, because his parents were poor, without money or influence, and at the age of 33, he was nailed to a cross, between two thieves, by the authorities, for no good reason except that his popularity with the masses was growing and the words that he spoke at gatherings and in his sermons, were connecting with the people, prompting them to think and to envisage a better world and to question the one they were living in.
And the religious elites of the time, as well as the wielders of political power, both had an interest in eliminating him.
Jesus was a nuisance to both powers. And so, they did, because they could—to the dismay of many, but, in a climate of fear, they crucified him, amidst the silent and powerless masses, and, with the influential focused on self-preservation.
The political directorate of the time managed things in their favour. The judicial system responded to their desire. Jesus answered truthfully before the court. But, no one stood with him. In a climate of fear, no one found the courage of conscience. Even the high priests, feeling threatened by his bold expressions and his growing influence, gave silent consent for his elimination.
In the end, he would ask God, in exasperation, “Father why hast thou forsaken me?” But that is the story of Good Friday. Christmas is about the birth of Jesus Christ, but really, Christmas is not a birthday party.
If Christians celebrate anything, it is the example of the life that Jesus Christ lived. He gave oppressed, marginalised people hope and he offered the promise of a better life. And he was a living example of caring and sharing and giving and forgiving.
For everybody though, Christian or other, Christmas is a season of goodwill, giving and charity. That spirit of Christmas has seeped through and spread. Hence the exchange of gifts, toys for children, Santa Claus, the sharing of hampers, and wishing everyone you come across, Merry Christmas. Human empathy, perhaps restrained, contained or suppressed all year, somehow seems to want to manifest at this time. Christmas calls us to goodness, humanity and a charitable expression of self. So it is, at the level of people.
If as a country, we wanted to keep the spirit of Christmas throughout the year, we would focus on making things better. How?
1) Eradicate hunger and food insecurity at a time of high prices, high levels of joblessness, and growing poverty. Why should anyone go without food in a country of 1.4 million people?
2) We would act to end poverty not by charity and handouts only (some of that is necessary), but by giving ordinary people the means to help themselves—to work and, to have access to legitimate income.
That would mean thinking through the ways and means to grow the economy, to create jobs and incomes and to link the unemployed to training, initiation, induction and nurturing into a work culture, in which, making a living, saving and prudent spending, become desirable qualities to value.
3) Economic recovery, growth and job creation would mean an economic focus on areas of the economy outside of energy, even as we make the most out of whatever energy resources remain, and as we leverage new opportunities in that sector.
What could we realistically focus on? Things that will save foreign exchange and earn more foreign exchange pronto. Like...
a) Tourist arrivals and tourist spend to manage a weekly flow of forex. That means thinking through and working out the source centres, organising and managing the events cycle throughout the year well, developing and managing local attractions and activities, and working with communities and organisations to do this well. And establishing a law and order regime which contains the criminal elements but does not threaten the freedom of law-abiding citizens.
4) There are other areas to save and earn forex but I don’t have space here to explore them now. Another time.
Merry Christmas. Make it happy and good. Treasure those you love and those who love you.