As the country prepares to enter the week of Divali celebrations, one pundit is urging citizens of T&T to look within for light, as well as solutions to many issues plaguing our society.
Speaking to Guardian Media yesterday, Pundit Lutchmidath Persad Maharaj said while citizens tend to point fingers at the country’s leaders for issues such as domestic violence and other types of abuse, they ought to look within themselves and their homes to start the change.
“We want to blame the politicians, we want to blame the police, but sometimes we have to be mindful of how we live and our responsibility in ensuring a stable family unit. And this is where I think that we should really focus on Divali, and Divali’s focus on the family,” he said.
He said although there are many festivities planned, Hindus and even non-Hindus in the nation, should use the Divali season as a time to do some introspection.
“We need to use this Divali, as a period of reflection to look at ourselves and to find some of the solutions within our own selves. How we teach our children by how we act and how we behave… Every time you hear of crime, it is not committed by people external of Trinidad, it is within our own borders from individuals who are fathers, who are children, who are brothers, and who are sisters, so we need to take some responsibility,” he added.
Maharaj said the effects of families returning to spirituality will be evident in society.
“Let us grasp every opportunity to educate our children on the right behaviour and the right conduct, and use ourselves as examples to send on the outside, to show what we want our community and what we want our country to be like,” he said.
He also reminded the Hindu community to abstain from negativity as they fast for Divali.
He said, “What is extremely important is that during our period of fasting, we should keep our minds focused and not be engrossed in any kind of speech behaviour, or conduct that would cloud our ability to think clearly. (We should) try to remain calm and try to cultivate noble thoughts.”