It isn’t too much to ask, in a nation as diverse as ours, that when an election date is announced and political campaigning shifts into high gear, parties and candidates should take extra special care to avoid race-baiting and stereotyping.
Unless there can be a healthy and open dialogue on the issue, race needs to be expunged from T&T’s body politic and public discourse.
It may not be the most attractive vote-getting strategy, but with all that is at stake in this increasingly polarised society, politicians who are truly serious about building a stronger nation should make more of an effort to bridge the country’s ethnic and cultural divide.
Already, there are early warning signs that the general election campaign could be headed down the tribal route.
It is a shame that 35 years after it was stated by the Hyatali Commission, T&T still “presents to the outside world a picture of racial harmony, but there exists, nonetheless, beneath the surface, smouldering embers of racial and ethnic friction.”
This is a sad reflection on the state of the largest ethnically diverse population in the English-speaking Caribbean.
Indeed, we find ourselves already witnessing unfortunate exchanges, fuelled by allegations of race, between Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar and Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley.
Mrs Persad-Bissessar’s insinuation that the ongoing Estate Management and Business Development Company (EMBD) cartel lawsuit was part of a People’s National Movement (PNM) racial smear campaign against the United National Congress (UNC) was bad enough but Dr Rowley’s response a few days later didn’t help.
Both only reinforced the extent to which any semblance of peaceful coexistence in this nation is dispelled when politics comes into play.
That has been the unfortunate reality in T&T politics from as far back as the 1950s, and has defined the type of engagements that have occurred between the PNM and the forerunner to the UNC, the Democratic Labour Party (DLP), since then.
This is still the state of politics in a nation with a Constitution that sets out the right of citizens to live without discrimination on grounds of “race, origin, colour, religion or sex.”
In T&T’s history, there has been only one very fleeting period in the mid-1980s when the now-defunct National Alliance for Reconstruction (NAR) managed to unite Afro- and Indo-Trinbagonians under one political banner.
However, it didn’t take long for rifts to develop along the usual tribal lines. That remains the challenge to this day, even as disparate political parties try again and again to form alliances and accommodations.
The spectre of race, always lurking in the background, makes these arrangements difficult to sustain.
It might be useful, in any serious effort to eradicate race from T&T politics, to recommit to the Council for Responsible Political Behaviour and the Code of Ethical Political Conduct, which the UNC withdrew from recently.
The council sets standards of political behaviour that are as relevant and necessary as ever, as the country enters into what is likely to be an intense campaign season.
In pursuit of real unity, every party that aspires to govern this country should conform to its standards.
For a change, let this be an election free of discrimination on the basis of race and all the other things that divide us.