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Sunday, March 9, 2025

'Renaissance—The Experience' to help restore St Joseph RC Church


884 days ago
The St Joseph RC Church on lower Abercromby Street, St Joseph.

The St Joseph RC Church on lower Abercromby Street, St Joseph.

The 420-year com­mu­ni­ty and very first cap­i­tal/town of Trinidad, St Joseph, orig­i­nal­ly called San José de Oruña, is renowned for its rich­ly di­verse cul­ture and glar­ing promi­nent land­marks such as the old­est cross—one of the biggest in T&T—and the old­est ceme­tery.

Oth­er deeply-em­bed­ded land­marks in­clude schools and a med­ical cen­tre, a park that’s “dead cen­tre” and a 200-year-old church, St Joseph RC Church, sit­u­at­ed on low­er Aber­crom­by Street.

“The peal­ing of the bell every 6 am and at oth­er pe­ri­ods of the day, has con­tributed in ma­jor ways to­wards the cul­ture of the com­mu­ni­ty,” in­formed born and bred St Joseph res­i­dent, artis­tic di­rec­tor, pro­mot­er, mu­sic tu­tor and mu­si­cian, Dr Louis Nurse, who elab­o­rat­ed that his great-grand­fa­ther, Per­ci­val Dud­ley Nurse, came to Trinidad in 1872, set­tled in and nev­er left St Joseph.

“My moth­er, Fran­cil­la Nurse, who died last year at 100, was the dis­trict reg­is­trar for the com­mu­ni­ty for 54 years, and the 120-year-plus Brimsmeed up­right pi­ano that my grand­mom en­joyed play­ing, and very-first one I learned to play from pre-teen, is still at the res­i­dence as a most beau­ti­ful piece of an­tique.”

Producer and director of The Renaissance - The Experience concert and main act, Louis Nurse.

Producer and director of The Renaissance - The Experience concert and main act, Louis Nurse.

In an in­ter­view with Guardian Me­dia on Oc­to­ber 4, Nurse elab­o­rat­ed up­on his ear­ly ac­tive mu­sic-play­ing days.

“I con­tin­ued play­ing mu­sic all through my sec­ondary school era while at­tend­ing St Mary’s Col­lege (CIC), Port-of-Spain.

“In my class were stu­dents who were al­so mu­sic lovers, and who all ad­vanced to be out­stand­ing mu­si­cians and band lead­ers. On the list are Robin Imamshah, Carl “Beaver” Hen­der­son, Col­in Lu­cas, and Mose Lewis who re­sides in Cana­da, and not to be left out, Carl Ja­cobs, but he was in a dif­fer­ent class.

“We all formed a band led by me called, St Mary’s Com­bo.

“In my home­town, mu­sic was like a life­saver from idling, and one day, the late dis­tin­guished mu­si­cian and band leader, Mano Mar­cellin, gath­ered all the young mu­si­cians, and that was the birth of my band, Louis and the Lynx.

“I am very con­cerned and pas­sion­ate about every­thing in my home­town from en­ter­tain­ment to food to sport to fam­i­ly to re­li­gion. I am a staunch Catholic and grew up in church. Over the years, I have been as­sist­ing in what­ev­er way to help the com­mu­ni­ty church­es main­tain beau­ty and life, hence the rea­son for the St Joseph RC Church’s Restora­tion Con­cert card­ed for Oc­to­ber 8.”

Proman Starlift Steel Orchestra, performs with pianist, Dr Louis Nurse, during the 2019 Renaissance restorative concert for the St Joseph RC Church.

Proman Starlift Steel Orchestra, performs with pianist, Dr Louis Nurse, during the 2019 Renaissance restorative concert for the St Joseph RC Church.

Come Oc­to­ber 8, at 8 pm at the NA­PA, up­per Fred­er­ick Street, Port-of-Spain, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Pro­man Star­lift Steel Or­ches­tra (PSSO), Dr Louis Nurse and the Lynx will present, Re­nais­sance—The Ex­pe­ri­ence. Doors open at 6 pm.

The first half of the con­cert caters to full or­ches­tra­tion with Louis and the Lynx, while the sec­ond half of­fers Louis on pi­ano ac­com­pa­nied by the PSSO, Nigel Ro­jas on his rock gui­tar in­fused with pi­ano and pan, and Shar­lan Bai­ley to de­liv­er some of his dad’s crowd pleasers, among oth­er acts.

PSSO will take pa­trons down mem­o­ry lane with their sig­na­ture clas­sics. The church is un­der­go­ing a care­ful process of restora­tion, and part pro­ceeds of this con­cert will go to­wards the fund.

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