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Friday, February 14, 2025

SAGHS student tops IMA’s Essay Writing Competition


News Desk
1891 days ago
Proud Winners: From left, first place winner of Beyond the Blue Essay Writing competition Sariah Esther Ramcharitar, of St Augustine Girls†High School, Ariv Bhagaloo, of Vishnu Boys†Hindu College and Naomi Wickham, of St James Secondary School at 
the awards function.

Proud Winners: From left, first place winner of Beyond the Blue Essay Writing competition Sariah Esther Ramcharitar, of St Augustine Girls†High School, Ariv Bhagaloo, of Vishnu Boys†Hindu College and Naomi Wickham, of St James Secondary School at the awards function.

Sari­ah Es­ther Ram­char­i­tar, an Up­per Six stu­dent of St Au­gus­tine Girls’ High School (SAGHS), has won first place in the Be­yond the Blue Es­say Writ­ing Com­pe­ti­tion host­ed by the In­sti­tute of Ma­rine Af­fairs (IMA).

She won with a to­tal of 467 points. The event was held at the IMA’s of­fices in Ch­aguara­mas.

Ariv Bha­ga­loo of Vish­nu Boys’ Hin­du Col­lege placed sec­ond with a to­tal of 431 points while Nao­mi Wick­ham, of St James Sec­ondary School came in third with 404 points.

The first place win­ner re­ceived an Ap­ple iPad, cour­tesy of Coastal Dy­nam­ics Lim­it­ed.

The sec­ond and third place win­ners re­ceived $1000 in units cour­tesy the Unit Trust Cor­po­ra­tion (UTC) and two tick­ets to To­ba­go from Caribbean Air­lines Lim­it­ed (CAL), re­spec­tive­ly.

The win­ners were an­nounced on Wednes­day at the prize-giv­ing cer­e­mo­ny held at the au­di­to­ri­um of the IMA, Hill­top Lane, Ch­aguara­mas.

In con­grat­u­lat­ing the stu­dents, the in­sti­tute’s act­ing di­rec­tor Dr. Ra­han­na Ju­man called on the stu­dents to “in­flu­ence your par­ents, your schools and your com­mu­ni­ties to con­duct their lives in a man­ner that sup­ports a healthy and sus­tain­able ma­rine en­vi­ron­ment.”

The Es­say Writ­ing Com­pe­ti­tion came at the cul­mi­na­tion of the three-day Be­yond the Blue ma­rine en­vi­ron­men­tal ex­hi­bi­tion which was held at Na­tion­al Li­brary in Port- of- Spain in Sep­tem­ber.

Par­tic­i­pants were ex­posed to is­sues re­lat­ing to ocean health, cli­mate change, wet­lands and their role in the mit­i­ga­tion of the im­pacts of cli­mate change and more, in an in­ter­ac­tive and im­mer­sive en­vi­ron­ment us­ing Vir­tu­al Re­al­i­ty.

The com­pe­ti­tion was part of a wider pub­lic ed­u­ca­tion cam­paign in the run up to the Unit­ed Na­tions (UN) Decade of Ocean Sci­ence for Sus­tain­able De­vel­op­ment which be­gins in 2021.

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