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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Massy goes forward with new self check-out service


843 days ago
Massy Stores CEO Roxane de Freitas and Chaguanas mayor Faaiq Mohammed demonstrates the use of self checkout units at Massy's Stores Brentwood location.

Massy Stores CEO Roxane de Freitas and Chaguanas mayor Faaiq Mohammed demonstrates the use of self checkout units at Massy's Stores Brentwood location.

Joel Julien

Cus­tomers of Massy Stores can rest as­sured that their per­son­al bank­ing in­for­ma­tion was not com­pro­mised fol­low­ing a hack at­tack ear­li­er this year, chief ex­ec­u­tive of­fi­cer Rox­ane de Fre­itas has said.

On April 28, Massy Stores and Massy Dis­tri­b­u­tion Trinidad ex­pe­ri­enced a cy­ber-se­cu­ri­ty in­ci­dent.

“That ob­vi­ous­ly was not a good thing for us. We are very dis­ap­point­ed about what hap­pened how­ev­er we con­tin­ue to man­age through the sit­u­a­tion. What we can say is that cus­tomer in­for­ma­tion was not...we don’t keep that so none of that was re­leased or re­vealed and our sys­tems are back up and run­ning, and we are safe again,” de Fre­itas said.

Massy Stores’ Chief dig­i­tal and in­for­ma­tion of­fi­cer Kevon Jack fur­ther ex­plained that in par­tic­u­lar cred­it card in­for­ma­tion could not be ac­cessed.

“It is im­por­tant for us to no­tice that even though our sys­tems are in­te­grat­ed in­to the bank sys­tem, we don’t store cred­it card in­for­ma­tion. That is not some­thing that we do or will do go­ing for­ward or any time. The tech­nol­o­gy al­lows us to talk to the bank’s net­work with­out stor­ing any of your per­son­al in­for­ma­tion, your cred­it card in­for­ma­tion on the net­work. That has been test­ed. If you go to any of our stores you would no­tice that all of our reg­is­ters are in­te­grat­ed in­to the bank’s net­work. So it’s im­por­tant to note that we don’t store cred­it card in­for­ma­tion,” Jack said.

De Fre­itas and Jack made the com­ments as Massy Stores launched a new self-check­out ser­vice at its Brent­wood lo­ca­tion.

Massy stat­ed that the new self-check­out ser­vice was in­tro­duced in an ef­fort to of­fer cus­tomers a more con­trol, con­ve­nience and a speed­i­er op­tion.

Self-check­out lanes are al­so cur­rent­ly op­er­a­tional at the Trinci­ty lo­ca­tion and will be ful­ly op­er­a­tional by De­cem­ber 1 at the West­moor­ings lo­ca­tion. Speak­ing at the launch at Brent­wood yes­ter­day where cus­tomers were treat­ed to an in-store ex­pe­ri­ence, de Fre­itas said the new self-check­out units are synced with point-of-sale units and of­fer a more seam­less ex­pe­ri­ence than the pre­vi­ous mod­el.

“It al­so takes up less space in the store and is eas­i­er to man­age by our sup­port team. Cus­tomers are as­sured that the ex­pe­ri­ence is se­cure as there will be sur­veil­lance cam­eras re­view­ing every as­pect of the trans­ac­tion, and there is an as­signed at­ten­dant con­sis­tent­ly mon­i­tor­ing the sys­tem,” she said.

“Brent­wood, as one of our newest lo­ca­tions was built with this fea­ture in mind, and while it is a large­ly self-man­aged ser­vice, at­ten­dants will al­so be avail­able to sup­port cus­tomers if re­quired. They will as­sist cus­tomers with tak­ing them through the process or an­swer­ing any ques­tions they may have,” de Fre­itas said.

She ex­plained the new self-check­out tech­nol­o­gy was the re­sult of a pi­lot pro­gramme im­ple­ment­ed in Gulf View four years ago where cus­tomers re­spond­ed favourably.

“Gulf View was our pi­lot and as with any­thing you learn the chal­lenges and so we have tak­en the learn­ings from Gulf View, and have wait­ed to get the lat­est tech­nol­o­gy, equip­ment, soft­ware and ma­chin­ery. These new ma­chines have cam­eras all around which we have cho­sen to in­vest in. With the im­pact of COVID-19 a lot of the equip­ment in­stal­la­tion was held back so we have just re­ceived them, and we are in the process of rolling out,” she said.

For those cus­tomers who are hes­i­tant about us­ing the new self-check­outs, de Fre­itas said its time to em­brace the tech­nol­o­gy,

“We all got used to us­ing our mo­bile phones, ATMs and mo­bile bank­ing so this is an­oth­er step in that di­rec­tion, and it al­lows you to con­trol that trans­ac­tion and you can al­so scan your Massy Card so you can get your points. It’s a ful­ly in­te­grat­ed sys­tem.”

She con­firmed that the Massy Stores in Guyana, St Lu­cia and Bar­ba­dos will al­so be out­fit­ted with the new self-check­out ser­vice in the com­ing year.

Dur­ing to­day’s launch at Brent­wood, DJs Ana and Ul­tra Sim­mo pro­vid­ed en­ter­tain­ment and cus­tomers were treat­ed to store give-aways.

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