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Sunday, February 23, 2025

RBC: We communicated closure to stakeholders


2606 days ago

De­bunk­ing claims by the San­gre Grande Cham­ber of Com­merce that there was no com­mu­ni­ca­tion with the busi­ness com­mu­ni­ty about the clo­sure of its San­gre Grande branch, RBC Roy­al Bank said yes­ter­day it start­ed com­mu­ni­cat­ing with stake­hold­ers on De­cem­ber 30, 2017 about the planned clo­sure.

In emailed re­spons­es, the bank stat­ed, "we were un­able to reach a mu­tu­al­ly ac­cept­able lease re­new­al for our San­gre Grande lo­ca­tion, with the out­come that we need­ed to re­lo­cate our San­gre Grande ser­vices by De­cem­ber 31, 2017. As a re­sult RBC made the de­ci­sion to merge with our Ari­ma lo­ca­tion ef­fec­tive Jan­u­ary 2, 2018."

"RBC be­gan no­ti­fy­ing all clients of this lo­ca­tion as soon as it be­came clear we would not be able to reach an on­go­ing lease agree­ment. This be­gan on Fri­day De­cem­ber 29 with no­tices and face-to-face con­ver­satons in the San­gre Grande branch and with pub­lic ser­vice an­nounce­ments and paid no­tices in lo­cal me­dia that start­ed De­cem­ber 30."

Asked whether the de­ci­sion to close the San­gre Grande branch was a rash de­ci­sion, the bank as­sured it rou­tine­ly rene­go­ti­ates and re­news its var­i­ous lease arrange­ments.

"Un­for­tu­nate­ly, al­though we worked on the process for the past few months, we were un­able to reach a mu­tu­aly ac­cept­able lease re­new­al for our San­gre Grande lo­ca­tion."

The bank al­so said there was no oth­er rea­son for clos­ing its San­gre Grande branch oth­er than it could not re­new the lease.

"The de­ci­sion to merge the San­gre Grande lo­ca­ton with our Ari­ma Branch was a sep­a­rate con­sid­er­a­tion from our in­no­va­tion fo­cus" the bank said.

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