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Saturday, March 22, 2025

Toppers closes South Park restaurant


78 days ago
South Park, San Fernando

South Park, San Fernando

Top­pers Restau­rant & Bar has an­nounced the clo­sure of its lo­ca­tion at South Park Plaza, San Fer­nan­do.

In a post to the restau­rant's so­cial me­dia page, "It is with hum­ble grat­i­tude that we an­nounce the clos­ing of Top­pers Restau­rant & Bar South Park Plaza lo­ca­tion.

"As we close our doors af­ter al­most nine years, we would like to thank every­one who has dined with us, we are grate­ful for your sup­port and loy­al­ty through the years, we are tru­ly hum­bled and hon­ored to have served you; you made Top­pers the brand it is to­day."

The post con­tin­ued, "We re­mind you that our Grand Bazaar lo­ca­tion re­mains open and we look for­ward to serv­ing you for many more years."

The prop­er­ty at South Park had been list­ed for sale for over a year.

A source con­firmed that the sale of the restau­rant was re­lat­ed to the de­ci­sion to cease op­er­a­tions at the lo­ca­tion.

A Face­book post last month in­di­cat­ed that the price of the restau­rant had been re­duced to $1.2 mil­lion plus VAT.

For the same price of a lux­u­ry ve­hi­cle you can have your very own restau­rant & bar!" ac­cord­ing to the so­cial me­dia post.

The source said the restau­rant would be open­ing to open­ing a new lo­ca­tion in the fu­ture.

It is the sec­ond lo­ca­tion the brand has closed; in 2016 the restau­rant closed its op­er­a­tions at Rust Street in Port of Spain.

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