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Friday, March 14, 2025

WiPay partners with Miguel Moses for remittance pickup


34 days ago
Two employees, Witney Alfred and Jordania Dookie, celebrate the launch of the WiPay Remittance and Miguel Moses partnership at the latter’s store on Frederick St in Port-of-Spain that will allow in-store collection of TT-dollars from money sent from overseas.

Two employees, Witney Alfred and Jordania Dookie, celebrate the launch of the WiPay Remittance and Miguel Moses partnership at the latter’s store on Frederick St in Port-of-Spain that will allow in-store collection of TT-dollars from money sent from overseas.

Wi­Pay Re­mit­tance yes­ter­day rolled out its part­ner­ship with home goods re­tail­er, Miguel Moses, to fa­cil­i­tate in­ter­na­tion­al mon­ey trans­fers that pro­vide cash pick­up lo­ca­tions in Trinidad.

The part­ner­ship of Wi­Pay and Miguel Moses have linked up with Ria Mon­ey Trans­fer, Pay­Pal, XOOM and Re­mit­ly to al­low re­cip­i­ents of funds sent via these plat­forms to col­lect their pay­outs at Miguel Moses lo­ca­tions on Fred­er­ick Street, in Port-of-Spain, Ch­agua­nas Main Road and 44 Queen St in Ari­ma.

This will pro­vide a faster, more con­ve­nient, and more af­ford­able way to ac­cess in­ter­na­tion­al re­mit­tances, Wi­Pay said in a state­ment yes­ter­day.

Wi­Pay spokes­men ex­plained yes­ter­day that pre­vi­ous­ly the com­pa­ny had pro­vid­ed re­mit­tance ser­vices through di­rect-to-bank de­posits, and di­rect-to-card trans­fers through its own Colour card.

The new part­ner­ships pro­vides a third op­tion of re­ceiv­ing TT-dol­lar cash when friends or fam­i­ly send them mon­ey from abroad. The new fa­cil­i­ty would al­so be use­ful for lo­cals op­er­at­ing an on­line store and do­ing in­ter­na­tion­al e-com­merce trans­ac­tions as well as those who do work for in­ter­na­tion­al clients.

As part of the launch pro­mo­tion: RIA will waive 50 per cent of trans­ac­tion fees for the first 200 cus­tomers and Miguel Moses will of­fer a $25 cash­back vouch­er—re­deemable at any of its 13 lo­ca­tions—for the first 300 users of the ser­vice.

Man­ag­ing di­rec­tor of Miguel Moses, Michael Moses, said by be­com­ing a cash pick­up lo­ca­tion for Wi­Pay Re­mit­tance, it is eas­i­er for fam­i­lies across T&T to ac­cess their funds.

"This is just the start—we look for­ward to ex­pand­ing this arrange­ment across all 13 of our lo­ca­tions over time, en­sur­ing even more com­mu­ni­ties can ben­e­fit from this ser­vice.”

In the state­ment, Wi­Pay said it has worked with RIA for years, fa­cil­i­tat­ing re­mit­tances via di­rect bank de­posits.

This lat­est de­vel­op­ment in­tro­duces phys­i­cal cash pick­up lo­ca­tions, mak­ing it even eas­i­er for re­cip­i­ents to ac­cess their mon­ey, the lo­cal pay­ment ser­vices com­pa­ny said, adding that the mod­el will soon ex­pand to oth­er Wi­Pay ter­ri­to­ries.

Sae­lese Haynes, project lead and rep­re­sen­ta­tive of Wi­Pay Group, em­pha­sised the broad­er im­pli­ca­tions of the part­ner­ship: “Wi­Pay’s core mis­sion is fi­nan­cial in­clu­sion, and this part­ner­ship with Miguel Moses ex­pands fi­nan­cial ac­cess across T&T. While Wi­Pay has al­ways been a dig­i­tal-first so­lu­tion, the aim is to stream­line digi­ti­sa­tion ef­forts even to ex­pand the touch­points for and of lega­cy sys­tems and in­fra­struc­ture.

"By lever­ag­ing re­tail lo­ca­tions as cash pick­up points, we are bridg­ing a gap for cus­tomers who pre­fer or, in times of ur­gency, re­quire cash-based trans­ac­tions. This is

just the be­gin­ning— Wi­Pay’s goal is to ex­pand these ser­vices through­out the Caribbean by se­cur­ing ad­di­tion­al re­tail part­ner­ships with­in its reg­u­la­to­ry re­mits,” said Haynes.

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