Fit & Fab
"No man is an island entire unto himself: every man is a piece of the continent a part of the main…" This quotation from the English metaphysical poet John Donne speaks to our inextricable link to each other. It suggests that human beings do badly when they are isolated from others and thrive best when they are part of a community. Donne was a Christian but this concept is shared by other religions, principally Buddhism. Today brings to a close the month when we celebrate 42 years as a twin-island Republic. In keeping with this significant milestone, we honoured exemplars in every field who have accomplished and continue to give back to the wider community. Across the spectrum in education, media, the arts, sport, health, religion, national development and the public service and the many fields that are a part of our landscape, these achievers have carved a niche in their fields and continue to impact the lives of our citizens in positive ways. Each one teaches one. We stand on the shoulders of our forefathers, our parents, our teachers, those who shared their love, their knowledge, those who listened when no one else heard. We as individuals need others to take us to our own levels of personal greatness. The parents who see the potential in their differently abled child, that teacher who tells a child, "I see greatness in you."
"It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself," says Ralph Waldo Emerson. We all have a gift to give. "If I have seen further than others it is by standing upon the shoulders of giant."—Isaac Newton.
Today as we roll out of September and into a new month, I share with joy the inspiring story of a man who, on the brink of despair, was offered an outstretched hand. May we too recognise that the power is ours to change lives and by extension restore the 'sweetness' to our beautiful T&T.
"Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago."—Warren Buffet
Judy Alcantara
BA English Honours/Spanish
CIAR Cert [Cooper’s Institute of Aerobic Research]
Francis Weekes:
The great Joseph Campbell says that every one of us has to travel that Hero's Journey, a journey that is defined in 12 different milestones. Our experiences and discoveries in this personal journey are extremely important. My desire is that somewhere within these words someone will embrace their own journey and discover the hero within.
Let's travel back to 2015. I was 43 and at the top of my game professionally, personally, financially, and emotionally. My universal alignment was on par with every one of my desires, dreams, and plans. I was finally about to follow my dream and passion of becoming a motivational speaker and professional life coach. After all, I had put in the work, studied, and researched every piece of literature by all the greats. The time felt right and as far as I was concerned, I Francis L Weekes was at the threshold of success. Little did I know that the year I had planned to launch out into my dream career, would be the year of my greatest life test. I would lose two of my friends that were like brothers to me. It was just after the 2015 Carnival celebrations, Curtis, 42, a guy who never showed any signs of illness, died suddenly from heart failure. That same week Brent, 46, then lost his battle with diabetes. The month of March 2015 signalled the beginning of a downward spiral from my victorious vortex to a place of extreme sadness and pain brought on by the tragic deaths of my brothers. My healthy, positive, and happy approach to life was gradually replaced by unhealthy eating, poor sleeping habits, and negative feelings, thoughts, and emotions.
'Slowly becoming my worst enemy'
I was slowly becoming my worst enemy. By September 2016, I was now also facing the fate of many middle-class Trinidadians with sudden unemployment after over a decade of serving in the public sector. Economic depression in a country is difficult, but even more so for a 44-year-old man that has been financially independent since the age of 19. I felt worthless and like a failure. As much as I tried to keep my feet on the ground and head held high, the anxiety grew and insomnia lurked nightly. Depression took up permanent residency in my life. I can only describe it as living but not alive, walking but going nowhere, hoping but nothing to hold on to. My life became a shell with the sound of hell's angels saying "you are better off dead". Only my love for my beautiful daughter kept me from obeying those voices from hell.
As fate would have it, this year 2018 Carnival ushered in my season of realignment to my miracle. On Carnival Tuesday whilst walking on Tragarete Road, observing the masqueraders celebrate in the greatest show on earth, I saw the image of hope. It was the "Meeting of the Mentor". He was a man that I had heard about, one who was very instrumental in helping many achieve their fitness and life goals. A champion; a world champion in his own right. I felt a pull and I needed to seize this moment, It was the feeling I had known all too well, back when the Universe and I had walked hand in hand. That pull gave me the courage to walk up to Mr Dexter Simon and say hello. He shook my hand and embraced me—a perfect stranger—with the warmest and most humble smile.
It was at that moment I knew that I was on the road to resurrection and my Hero's Journey was back on track. Only this time, I had a mentor in Dexter Simon. I called him up some weeks later, following which, we met. I shared with him all I have shared with you today and this was his response.
" 'You have what it takes to be great again and even greater. Weekesy, in you, I will create a masterpiece because I see the true you.' " Dexter Simon had the belief in me that I had lost. I only saw a 46-year-old, depressed, worthless overweight 219-pound failure. He saw a hero that simply needed to return to the battle with a sharper sword and a healed heart.
I can say that joining the Dexter Simon and the Asylum Gym family along with his twin brother, Derrick, has been one of the greatest personal investments I have ever made. However, I had to put in the work mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I was now called to take full responsibility and accountability for the achievement of Dexter's masterpiece plan. It required a total change in diet, daily workouts, daily cardio, and his brother Derrick demanded no less than nine hours sleep per night. Although I live two hours away from Diego Martin, I have never missed a training session. I bought a food scale and stuck to my diet to the last ounce measurement with the help of my super faithful partner Whiney Richards who has supported me 110 per cent. Every day I start with cardio and end with cardio. Success in anything requires an extreme level of no compromise, no excuses, complete discipline, and a fixed focus, of attaining that goal by all means necessary.
'The resurrection, that born-again experience'
"We are what we think about"—the great writers Napoleon Hill and Earl Nightingale have always said so. I definitely attest to the fact that what you think about is what you become. So I needed to match all this hard work and dedication with the right thinking and with the correct philosophy. Once again, I returned to the teachings of all the greats. With that knowledge and the awesome guidance of my mentor Sir Dexter, I have experienced that resurrection, that born-again experience, of loving me, believing in me, knowing that anything and everything is possible. In my first week, I could only do three push-ups at a time, it literally took me over a minute to complete 20. I now do 120 push-ups straight.
It has been four months and I am now 41 pounds less than when I began. No more insomnia, no more anxiety attacks. I am beginning to love me again and aligning with a universal purpose. No longer depressed and I am extremely filled with gratitude and thanksgiving. For whoever is reading this story, I want them to know that life is unpredictable and the human mind is fragile. It can, however, be protected and strengthened with healthy habits, a healthy lifestyle, healthy associations and never allowing the external experiences to shake your inner core. We were all given the universal opportunity to enter into this living space with the ability to be great, to live in abundance, to journey, and yes to experience many battles and win.
We are all heroes and just like in comic books and movies, there are times when the hero falls and may get captured by the enemy. However, he or she always finds a way to rise and become even greater in the victory. Tony Robbins says, "There is a powerful driving force inside every human being that once unleashed, can make any vision, dream or desire a reality."
It's my desire to help others to discover their inner greatness by helping them to unleash that driving force within.
We are all heroes on this Hero's Journey. So let's pick up our swords of greatness, sharpen them with the right thinking, face our challenges and conquer all the dragons of doubt, fear, and disbelief because our greatest life awaits us yet.