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Friday, March 28, 2025

11-9 vote in favour of Young confirmed by PNM party official


Akash Samaroo
80 days ago


A mem­ber of the PNM's par­lia­men­tary cau­cus con­firms that yes­ter­day's vote count to se­lect a new Prime Min­is­ter was in­deed 11 to 9.

Speak­ing un­der anonymi­ty, the PNM mem­ber said 11 votes were cast in favour of Stu­art Young while 9 went in favour of Pen­ne­lope Beck­les-Robin­son. 

The Prime Min­is­ter re­port­ed­ly ab­stained from the process. Cur­rent­ly, there is no Mem­ber of Par­lia­ment for the con­stituen­cy of D'abadie O'Meara fol­low­ing the trag­ic death of Lisa Mor­ris-Julien. 

Yes­ter­day Dr Kei­th Row­ley re­mained mum on the vote count but hint­ed at a nar­row mar­gin say­ing foot­ball match­es can still be won 1-0. 

Mean­while, Youth De­vel­op­ment and Na­tion­al Ser­vice Min­is­ter and La Hor­quet­ta/ Tal­paro MP Fos­ter Cum­mings con­firmed to Guardian Me­dia that he did not of­fer him­self to be con­sid­ered for the post of PM. 

Cum­mings who is the par­ty's Gen­er­al Sec­re­tary was ru­moured to be one of those eye­ing the soon-to-be va­cant po­si­tion. 

How­ev­er, to­day Cum­mings said, "As an­nounced by the PM yes­ter­day the par­lia­men­tary cau­cus de­lib­er­at­ed and se­lect­ed Min­is­ter Young to re­place him as PM when he leaves of­fice. I did not of­fer my­self for con­sid­er­a­tion in this process. I ex­tend my con­grat­u­la­tions to Mr Young on his se­lec­tion."

Cum­mings added that his main fo­cus at this time is re­tain­ing his seat in the 2025 gen­er­al elec­tions. 

Mean­while, Cum­mings would not con­firm nor de­ny if he is con­sid­er­ing the PNM po­lit­i­cal leader po­si­tion. 

He how­ev­er said the ques­tion can be posed to him at a lat­er date and he would re­spond.

Stuart YoungPrime MinisterPNMInstagram

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