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Thursday, March 13, 2025

22 illegal cameras removed in Sea Lots


Shane Superville

Shane Superville

Po­lice say they have re­moved 22 unau­tho­rised cam­eras from var­i­ous lo­ca­tions in Sea Lots as part of a clam­p­down on il­le­gal elec­tric­i­ty con­nec­tions dur­ing a po­lice ex­er­cise ear­ly this morn­ing. 

Po­lice to­geth­er with tech­ni­cians from the T&TEC vis­it­ed Pro­duc­tion Av­enue and Pi­o­neer Dri­ve, just be­fore 3 am where they re­moved il­le­gal con­nec­tions.

Po­lice al­so con­firmed that 22 cam­eras were al­so re­moved from elec­tric­i­ty poles and trees which they be­lieve were "strate­gi­cal­ly po­si­tioned" to face the near­by coast­line and cer­tain streets to mon­i­tor po­lice pa­trols.

As part of the ex­er­cise, six men and three women were ar­rest­ed for the theft of elec­tric­i­ty.

Among them was a man, iden­ti­fied by po­lice as be­ing a "high-rank­ing gang mem­ber."

Po­lice said that as part of their en­quiries, they be­lieve that gang lead­ers charge res­i­dents a fee for hav­ing il­le­gal, unau­tho­rised elec­tric­i­ty con­nec­tions.

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