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Saturday, March 22, 2025

75-year-old in court for money laundering


Ryan Bachoo
2 days ago

A 75-year-old man has been charged with 32 counts of mon­ey laun­der­ing.

Ernest Bai­ley, of Ari­ma, was al­so charged with ob­tain­ing $141,195 by false pre­tens­es when he ap­peared be­fore Mas­ter In­di­ra Chinebass, on Wednes­day.

He was grant­ed bail with sure­ty in the sum of $400,000 to cov­er all the charges and or­dered to re­port to a Po­lice Sta­tion twice a month.

The mat­ter was post­poned to May 16.

A vic­tim re­port­ed to po­lice that she met a man who in­tro­duced him­self as a Law Clerk who worked for an At­tor­ney-at-Law and could arrange for the prepa­ra­tion of the Deed of Con­veyance for a par­cel of land. She claims the man told her the

cost of the prepa­ra­tion of the Deed was TT$145,000, and any pay­ments for the job must be made to him.

The vic­tim pro­ceed­ed to pay the man four cheques to­talling TT$141,195. The cheques were de­posit­ed and the vic­tim in­formed that the Deed would be pre­pared by the At­tor­ney and de­liv­ered to her. The Deed was nev­er pre­pared or de­liv­ered and when the vic­tim ap­proached the At­tor­ney, they de­nied ever col­lect­ing mon­ey for the job. At­tempts to have the mon­ey re­fund­ed from the man proved fu­tile.

A team of of­fi­cers from Fraud Squad East Of­fice con­duct­ed in­ves­ti­ga­tions in­to the mat­ter and sub­se­quent­ly ar­rest­ed a male sus­pect on March 17.


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