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Saturday, March 15, 2025

AG gets keys to building for DPP office 


The new proposed office of the DPP, First Citizens building on St Vincent Street, Port-of-Spain.

The new proposed office of the DPP, First Citizens building on St Vincent Street, Port-of-Spain.


Regi­nald Ar­mour, At­tor­ney Gen­er­al and Min­is­ter of Le­gal Af­fairs, has re­ceived the keys to the First Cit­i­zens Bank build­ing on St. Vin­cent Street from Colm Im­bert, Min­is­ter of Fi­nance.

In a me­dia re­lease, the Of­fice of the At­tor­ney Gen­er­al said the ad­di­tion­al space will pro­vide the nec­es­sary in­fra­struc­ture to ac­com­mo­date the ex­pan­sion of hu­man and phys­i­cal re­sources with­in the DPP’s Of­fice.

The de­ci­sion to se­cure a new lo­ca­tion is based on con­cerns re­gard­ing the pre­vi­ous ac­com­mo­da­tion on Park Street. The DPP raised se­cu­ri­ty con­cerns about that lo­ca­tion, cit­ing risks to staff, case ma­te­ri­als, and op­er­a­tional in­tegri­ty.

The AG's of­fice said re­fur­bish­ment works will com­mence to out­fit the build­ing for the needs of the DPP’s Of­fice.

It said the ex­pan­sion is in­tend­ed to in­crease the pros­e­cu­to­r­i­al ca­pac­i­ty of the DPP’s Of­fice. 

Attorney GeneralDPPAttorney General Reginald ArmourInstagram

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