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Monday, March 3, 2025

Almost $1M bail for man facing 10 charges for home invasions


Sascha Wilson
334 days ago

A 20-year-old man fac­ing ten charges stem­ming from two vi­o­lent home in­va­sions at the hous­es of a po­lice of­fi­cer and own­ers of Per­sad’s D’Food King has been grant­ed al­most a mil­lion dol­lars bail.

Malachai Sandy, 20, of El So­cor­ro, ap­peared vir­tu­al­ly be­fore High Court Mas­ter Mar­garet Sookraj-Goswa­mi for both mat­ters.

He first ap­peared on sev­en charges in­clud­ing bur­glary, shoot­ing or wound­ing with in­tent to do griev­ous bod­i­ly harm and pos­ses­sion of a firearm.

Those charges stemmed from an in­ci­dent on March 13 where sev­er­al sus­pects broke in­to the home of a po­lice sergeant, and there was an ex­change of gun­fire. Sandy was shot twice.

His at­tor­ney Ja­son Jack­son, in ap­ply­ing for bail, said he un­der­went surgery on his spleen and has an up­com­ing clin­ic ap­point­ment. He said Sandy al­so has a three-year-old child.

Sandy’s crim­i­nal record re­flect­ed two pend­ing mat­ters, a rob­bery from 2017 and an un­law­ful pos­ses­sion from 2023.

Pros­e­cu­tor Sgt Gor­don ob­ject­ed to bail, but Sookraj-Goswa­mi grant­ed Sandy $300,000 bail with sure­ty.

Sandy faced three charges stem­ming from a bur­glary at the New Grant, Princes Town home of Mo­han and Shirley Per­sad, own­ers of the renowned su­per­mar­ket chain Per­sad’s ‘D’ Food King, on Oc­to­ber 3, 2023.

Po­lice pros­e­cu­tor Rea­gan Ra­manan cit­ed Mo­han’s med­ical record and not­ed that ex­treme vi­o­lence was in­flict­ed as he ob­ject­ed to bail.

The Mas­ter grant­ed Sandy $600,000 with sure­ty on that mat­ter, bring­ing the to­tal amount to $900,000.

The cas­es were ad­journed to Oc­to­ber 23.

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