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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Bandit killed in foiled robbery


1803 days ago
Police at the scene of the attempted robbery at Goodwood Gardens

Police at the scene of the attempted robbery at Goodwood Gardens

Joshua Seemungal

Joshua Seemu­n­gal

A ban­dit has been shot dead by po­lice and two oth­ers are in cus­tody fol­low­ing an at­tempt­ed rob­bery at Good­word Park, West­moor­ings.

Ac­cord­ing to a res­i­dent, at around 1 pm three armed men broke in­to a house at As­cot Road. The home be­longs to rel­a­tives of for­mer Petrotrin chair­man and busi­ness­man, Lind­say Gillette.

A Guardian Me­dia team ar­rived at the scene, at 1.45 pm and was told by po­lice the scene was still ac­tive. Gillette, who was at the scene, con­firmed that all his rel­a­tives are safe.

Life­long res­i­dent Tonya Sin­cere said she was shak­en up by the in­ci­dent and nev­er imag­ined it could take place there.

This sto­ry will be up­dat­ed as more in­for­ma­tion comes to hand.

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