35-year-old Ravindra Mohan of Papourie Road, Barrackpore was last seen on May 20th, 2022 at around 2:00 p.m. and was reported missing on the same day.
According to this press release Ravindra is of East Indian descent, slim built and is brown in complexion, five feet, eight inches tall, with a low cut hairstyle.
Details follow in this press release from the TTPS:
The Trinidad and Tobago Police Service is seeking the public’s assistance in locating 35-year-old RAVINDRA MOHAN.
RAVINDA, of Papourie Road, Barrackpore was last seen on May 20th, 2022 around 2:00pm. He was reported missing the following day.
RAVINDA is of East Indian descent, slim built and is brown in complexion. He is approximately five feet, eight inches tall, with a low cut hairstyle and was last seen wearing a blue and white stripped t-shirt with a pair of blue shorts.
Anyone with information on the whereabouts of RAVINDRA MOHAN, is asked to call the Barrackpore Police Station at 654-0609, 654-0610, 999, 555, CRIME STOPPERS at 800-TIPS or make a report via the TTPS App.