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Saturday, March 22, 2025

Cancer patient, 12, in need of life-saving transplant


3 days ago
Marissa Ali with her ailing son Levi at their home in Waterloo.

Marissa Ali with her ailing son Levi at their home in Waterloo.

Shastri Boodan

Time is run­ning out for 12-year-old Levi Mo­hammed, who has been bat­tling B Cell Acute Lym­phoblas­tic Leukemia since he was just eight years old. Af­ter two dev­as­tat­ing re­laps­es, most re­cent­ly just two weeks ago, his on­ly chance for sur­vival is a bone mar­row trans­plant. How­ev­er, it will cost US$500,000, an amount his moth­er, Maris­sa Ali, can’t raise alone.

Levi and his moth­er left for the Unit­ed States yes­ter­day, des­per­ate­ly hop­ing for a mir­a­cle. They are seek­ing treat­ment at the Duke Uni­ver­si­ty Hos­pi­tal in North Car­oli­na or Nick­laus Chil­dren’s Hos­pi­tal in Flori­da and are pray­ing that Levi’s can­cer can be forced in­to re­mis­sion so he can re­ceive the life-sav­ing trans­plant.

“The on­ly thing that can save him now is a trans­plant. Chemother­a­py and ra­di­a­tion alone won’t be enough,” Maris­sa said.

The pro­ce­dure isn’t avail­able in T&T, so the fam­i­ly has no choice but to seek ur­gent med­ical care abroad.

They have launched a Go­FundMe and a lo­cal bank ac­count and are ap­peal­ing for fi­nan­cial as­sis­tance. The fam­i­ly plans to reach out to cor­po­rate spon­sors, the Gov­ern­ment and kind­heart­ed strangers, be­cause every sec­ond and cent counts.

Levi’s ill­ness forced him to leave school at Ch­agua­nas Gov­ern­ment Pri­ma­ry and he was un­able to sit the SEA ex­ams twice be­cause of his frag­ile health.

His moth­er’s mes­sage is sim­ple but ur­gent, “I would like to re­quest from every­one to lend your sup­port to Levi, he has been through so much for these past few years and we re­al­ly need your sup­port, your good­will, your prayer, your pos­i­tiv­i­ty and if you can af­ford to do­nate, it would be ap­pre­ci­at­ed. It may seem like a small amount to you, but any amount would go a long way to us and we would ap­pre­ci­ate it.”

For those will­ing to help, up­dates can be found on In­sta­gram (@Team­Le­vi­Up­dates) or Face­book (Maris­sa Ali).

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