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Friday, February 21, 2025

Chloe raises almost half the money needed for life-saving surgery


Radhica De Silva
91 days ago
Thillyer Ramnarine enjoys a walk on the beach with her daughter Chloe Ramnarine who was diagnosed with cancer in 2023.

Thillyer Ramnarine enjoys a walk on the beach with her daughter Chloe Ramnarine who was diagnosed with cancer in 2023.


Chloe Ram­nar­ine, a Uni­ver­si­ty of the West In­dies stu­dent, has re­ceived 49 per cent of the funds need­ed for a life-sav­ing bone mar­row surgery in Colom­bia.

Af­ter her sto­ry was broad­cast and pub­lished by Guardian Me­dia in the Guardians of the Peo­ple seg­ment, do­na­tions poured in from peo­ple all around the world.

By 5 pm yes­ter­day, her Go­FundMe page had raised over US$59,000. The surgery, es­ti­mat­ed to cost US$120,000, along with trav­el and ac­com­mo­da­tion, will to­tal over US$140,000.

Speak­ing to Guardian Me­dia, Ram­nar­ine ex­pressed grat­i­tude for the sup­port.

“I am so hap­py and thank­ful for all the as­sis­tance I have re­ceived so far,” Ram­nar­ine said.

She not­ed that the en­cour­age­ment and con­tri­bu­tions have giv­en her hope dur­ing her jour­ney. Ram­nar­ine said be­cause of her age she does not qual­i­fy for as­sis­tance un­der the Chil­dren’s Life Fund and her par­ents do not have in­sur­ance to cov­er her med­ical ex­pens­es.

De­spite the toll of chemother­a­py and ra­di­a­tion, Ram­nar­ine re­mains de­ter­mined to one day com­plete her stud­ies.

Her moth­er, Thilly­er Ram­nar­ine, said that lo­cal busi­ness­es are al­so as­sist­ing.

“Per­sad The Food King gro­cery con­tact­ed me and of­fered to do­nate all the in­gre­di­ents for our next sweet box sale. Chloe en­joyed hear­ing from el­der­ly peo­ple who were moved by her sto­ry and want­ed to help in any way they could,” she said.

The Go­FundMe con­tri­bu­tions have ranged from $10 to $2,000, demon­strat­ing wide­spread sup­port for Ram­nar­ine’s cause.

Since 2023, she has been fight­ing stage 2B Hodgkin’s Lym­phoma, a con­di­tion af­fect­ing the lym­phat­ic sys­tem. She was forced to stop her stud­ies in com­put­er sci­ence at the Uni­ver­si­ty of the West In­dies to fo­cus on rais­ing $980,000 TT for surgery at Fun­da­cion San­ta Fe Hos­pi­tal in Colom­bia.

Do­na­tions to Ram­nar­ine can be made to: Re­pub­lic Bank Ma­yaro Ac­count #470037149801 or Re­pub­lic Bank Ma­yaro USD Ac­count #470037150131.

Ram­nar­ine can al­so be reached at 490-8119.

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