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Sunday, March 9, 2025

Claxton Bay man begs for help after truck damages home


Radhica De Silva
924 days ago
Samnarine Rampersad and his daughter Sherry Ann try to salvage items from their home, which was knocked down by a truck. They are now pleading for any help to rebuild their home.

Samnarine Rampersad and his daughter Sherry Ann try to salvage items from their home, which was knocked down by a truck. They are now pleading for any help to rebuild their home.


A Clax­ton Bay man and his daugh­ter are call­ing for help af­ter their wood­en home col­lapsed af­ter be­ing hit by a van which re­versed in­to their yard last week Sat­ur­day.

The van is owned by a promi­nent hard­ware deal­er but since the house col­lapsed, noth­ing has been done to as­sist them.

Sam­nar­ine Ram­per­sad, 72, and his daugh­ter Sher­ry Ann Ram­per­sad, of St Johns Trace, Clax­ton Bay, are now ask­ing for help to re­build their house.

Speak­ing to Guardian Me­dia, Ram­per­sad said he was pick­ing plums in his front yard when he saw the three-tonne truck re­vers­ing.

“It hit the front post and the house start­ed to rock. The dri­ver did not stop but I man­aged to get the ve­hi­cle num­ber. I told my daugh­ter to run and she jumped down the four steps be­fore this part of the house fell down,” Ram­per­sad re­called.

With no sup­port at the base, the rest of the house col­lapsed.

Ram­per­sad said he went to the St Mar­garet’s Po­lice Sta­tion and was ad­vised to speak pri­vate­ly with the hard­ware own­er and reach an agree­ment.

But Ram­per­sad said he called the hard­ware own­er sev­er­al times to no avail.

“The po­lice­man told me to go to the hard­ware own­er and come to some agree­ment and if they did not have an agree­ment, then come back to make a re­port. I tried to get in con­tact with him and when I didn’t, I went back to the sta­tion but the po­lice told me it is a pri­vate mat­ter, they say it is out of the po­lice’s hands,” Ram­per­sad re­called.

“I feel very dis­traught be­cause my house fell and I have nowhere to stay right now. I’ve start­ed suf­fer­ing chest pains and I end­ed up in hos­pi­tal this week. I have to join back the clin­ic and have a CT scan. I would like to get back to my own house.”

Mean­while, Sher­ry-Ann said she was dis­ap­point­ed at the ac­tion of the dri­ver.

“I was in the liv­ing room when I see the ve­hi­cle re­vers­ing in­to the yard, dad­dy called and say run. For those few sec­onds, it was like life and death be­cause I wasn’t sure what was hap­pen­ing. I thought it was an earth­quake but then I saw the truck and I saw the num­ber plate. The dri­ver just sped off, he didn’t ask any­thing, he just sped off,” she said.

See­ing her child­hood home col­lapse was ter­ri­fy­ing, Sher­ry-Ann added.

“This is where I was born and where I took my first breath. To see the house fall was a hor­ri­fy­ing ex­pe­ri­ence,” she added.

The house had been in a di­lap­i­dat­ed state be­fore the in­ci­dent.

A neigh­bour who re­quest­ed anonymi­ty said if some­one con­tributes ma­te­ri­als to re­build the house, the com­mu­ni­ty will as­sist the fam­i­ly in re­build­ing it.

Cou­va Tabaquite/Tal­paro Re­gion­al Cor­po­ra­tion chair­man Hen­ry Awong al­so said the cor­po­ra­tion can as­sist the fam­i­ly in clear­ing out the rub­ble. The hard­ware was closed yes­ter­day and the own­er could not be reached for com­ment.

Any­one want­i­ng to con­tribute build­ing ma­te­ri­als to the fam­i­ly can con­tact 303-8797 or 342-2739.

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