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Friday, February 28, 2025

Closure of roadway at Bad Rock, Belle Garden


842 days ago

The Di­vi­sion of In­fra­struc­ture, Quar­ries and Ur­ban De­vel­op­ment (DIQUD) is ad­vis­ing that the Wind­ward Road be­tween Kendal and Belle Gar­den will be closed to all ve­hic­u­lar traf­fic to­day Tues­day 8th, No­vem­ber 2022 un­til fur­ther no­tice.

De­tails fol­low in this press re­lease…

Con­se­quent to a land slip­page and crit­i­cal fail­ure of a re­tain­ing wall on the sea­ward side of the road­way on Sun­day evening, and the oc­cur­rence of fur­ther land­slides, the Di­vi­sion of In­fra­struc­ture, Quar­ries and Ur­ban De­vel­op­ment (DIQUD) is ad­vis­ing mo­torists that the Wind­ward Road be­tween Kendal and Belle Gar­den will be closed to all ve­hic­u­lar traf­fic to­day Tues­day 8th, No­vem­ber 2022 un­til fur­ther no­tice.

Ac­cord­ing­ly, all mo­torists at­tempt­ing to ac­cess this area are asked to utilise al­ter­na­tive routes. Mo­torists trav­el­ling East are asked to tra­verse the route of turn­ing left at the 7th Day Church of God at Rich­mond, to Top Zion Hill and left through Job Street. Mo­torist trav­el­ling West are asked to utilise the route from Longbed Road, un­to Job Street then un­to Zion Hill Road, ef­fec­tive­ly cre­at­ing a one way down Zion Hill.

As a re­sult, on­ly Emer­gency ve­hi­cles will be al­lowed ac­cess through Bad Rock at this time.

Ad­di­tion­al­ly res­i­dents of Job Street are asked to min­i­mize Side Street park­ing to al­low traf­fic to flow freely.

The Di­vi­sion apol­o­gizes for any in­con­ve­nience caused.

Bad RockBelle Garden

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