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Friday, February 28, 2025

Cops still searching for arsonist wanted for Jereem’s death


Shane Superville
33 days ago
Three-year-old  Jereem George

Three-year-old Jereem George

Po­lice across the coun­try were search­ing up to late yes­ter­day for a man iden­ti­fied as the prime sus­pect in the ar­son at­tack that re­sult­ed in the death of three-year-old Jereem George.

Jereem was at his moth­er’s Chris­t­ian Av­enue Ex­ten­sion, Windy Hill, Arou­ca, home on Thurs­day night when the man tried to en­ter the house through a win­dow.

His moth­er, Ge­niel George, tried to stop him but was even­tu­al­ly over­pow­ered. She fled the house to get help from her broth­er, but on re­turn­ing, no­ticed the house was on fire.

While she was able to save three of her chil­dren, Jereem re­mained in the house where he died de­spite ef­forts to res­cue him.

Po­lice as­sured that op­er­a­tions were un­der­way to find the 30-year-old sus­pect who is known to the fam­i­ly.

Speak­ing with Guardian Me­dia at the scene of the fire on Fri­day, George’s moth­er, Jereem’s grand­moth­er, con­firmed that re­ports were made on at least three oc­ca­sions where the man dis­played vi­o­lent or threat­en­ing be­hav­iour.

Po­lice said they could not con­firm this but were “ded­i­cat­ed” to find­ing the sus­pect.

Re­gion II homi­cide in­ves­ti­ga­tors are con­tin­u­ing en­quiries.—Shane Su­perville

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